A hare attacked a woman who tried to take a hare from an enclosure

12 February 2023
At the Center for the Rehabilitation and Reintroduction of Wild Animals, a hare noticed that an employee of the organization was trying to take her neighbor out of the enclosure. The animal decided to be proactive and attacked the woman.

An employee of the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center explained why the hare has such a reaction:

"Justy is an honorary knight of the Round Log in the kingdom of the House of the Hare. That is, even when she had babies, she showed a pronounced maternal instinct, so the first captures of rabbits for release, even at the end of the suckling period, gave rise to plans for revenge in the hare's head. Revenge intended for all carriers and nets.There were expectations that after sterilization, Justy would come to naught this topic - they say, no hormones - no chivalry (exaggerated). ) - the defense mechanism of females is something stronger. Here we have to shout: "Such is the power of love and friendship!", But Slava the hare was just a young neighbor for Justy. Neither husband nor cub.

A hare rushes into battle when catching any hare, regardless of the aviary, because the goal is to finally burn the hated net and carrying on the fire of the Inquisition! Probably, at this moment, Mazai is perceived as someone obsessed with the means of trapping - therefore, the hare runs into the poor little man, trying to tap his paws on the head and knock out all the bad thoughts about using prohibited tools! Ultimately, Justy was convinced that Mazai was on the right path, but for the next few days she carefully watches his actions.

And summed up:

"Jasty, despite the sterilization, has left echoes of the maternal instinct, against which, earlier, a negative reaction to the carrying and net was formed. Roughly speaking, this is a habit, a pronounced reflex. In addition, the hare is not a fool, and understands that in itself the landing net does not attack anyone. After all, all fishing takes place with the participation of a person, which means that it is he who is the root of all problems and the main irritant. I would also like to note that the attack itself is a warning one. Without claws in the eyes, teeth in the side of the barrel and back kicks" .
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