People with hammers and injuries broke into the Chelyabinsk school and staged a "dismantling"

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
12 February 2023
According to reports, the fight happened "on ethnic grounds."

Reminds me of the "shooter" from the 1990s. But with one difference - it happened at school. Unidentified men in balaclavas flew into the educational institution and started beating up some guys. Along the way, they broke the door in the wardrobe and greatly frightened the elementary school students - they immediately began to call their parents.

In the first seconds, the school security was somehow confused, then the employees pressed the panic button and began to separate the fighters. As a result, the punks ran away, but two remained: one got hit with a hammer, the second was severely beaten.

OMON, police, an ambulance arrived at the scene - in general, everything.

Then it turned out: two ninth-graders study at this school - Nikita and Feruz (according to other sources - Firus). And Nikita was constantly in conflict with this Feruz/Firus. In the end, hot guys "scored the arrow" near the educational institution and each invited their friends. In the course of the fight, Nikita and Co. took over and drove Feruz and his comrades. They ran to school, and what happened next is already known.

Now the security forces will work closely with teenagers stuck in the 1990s. There might be a couple of criminal cases.

So that from now on it would not be habitual for anyone to run around school with hammers and injuries and scare children.
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