russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for February 6-7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 February 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Russian priest at the wheel knocked down a pedestrian to death and disappeared

Priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Valery Dukhanin went to Donbass “on a business trip”. He swelled up, got behind the wheel and hit the old man at the crossing. Now he uses all his connections to hush up the case.

The relatives cannot find the victim for the third day.


- In Turkey, thousands of dead and wounded under the rubble as a result of the earthquake, and the Russians — such Russians

- Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger: declassified secret service archives prove that Patriarch Kirill was a KGB agent and was engaged in espionage activities in Switzerland

And no one doubted

- Changed a man for a fur coat and rejoices

How little a person needs to be happy, right?!

- In Nolinsk, Kirov region, children beat up a 9-year-old boy and called him "Ukrainian"; because of the yellow-blue "cheesecake"

“Here with such a bruise, the son returned today from a walk. And when I found out the reason for which he was beaten, to put it mildly, I was shocked...», – his mother Elena wrote on social networks.

But Nazism flourishes anywhere but in Russia

- #losses of invaders as of 06.01

+ 870 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:
Captain (Major) Vitaly "Sphere" Kulchiev

Major General (or Colonel), retired, former commander of the 98th airborne division, commander of the regiment mobilized from Tatarstan Dmitry Ulyanov

Yangibaev Artur, in 2017 stabbed one and tried to kill two more. Sentenced to 14 years, but was recruited into the Wagner PMC under the number K164-061. On January 19, he was demobilized ahead of schedule to accommodate ten other friends near Bakhmut

Commander of the GSADn 4 TD Major Alexander Shvetsov

- Is it worth waiting for Budanov's personal participation?

- Putin is slow to announce the second wave of mobilization, — ISW.

This is due to the fact that the leader of the Russian Federation does not want to risk the approval of the people, because he is afraid of losing influence. As analysts write (, this does not mean that mobilization in the swamps will not be carried out, Putin is inclined to conduct a quiet mobilization.

- Germany is counting on a quick shipment of Leopard 2 to Ukraine, — SPIEGEL.

"Germany's obligation remains in force", — emphasized ( government speaker Wolfgang Buechner.

- Execute for moving from the Russian Federation?

These are the realities, the State Duma wants to execute those who left Russia and criticize the country from abroad.

Deputy Andriy Kolesnyk proposes to cancel the moratorium on the death penalty. According to him, many in the State Duma support this bill.

Free country

- What a cringe

While Ukraine collects millions of dollars for drones, equipment and other necessary military needs, in Russia — dried fruits and "cheburashki"

With two hundredths the car runs and swings, the fast train picks up the way…

- #losses of invaders as of 02/07/2022

🔻+1030 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

▪️Reserve Colonel – Igor Suvorov

▪️Captain – Evgeny Nikolaev

▪️StarChief Reserve Officer of the MTR – Alexander Shemyakin

- Vasily Malyuk was appointed head of the SBU.

Verkhovna Rada adopted a decision.

- The German government today must approve the supply of 187 Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine.

According to ( Business Insider, the Rheinmetall defense concern is to transfer 88 tanks, more 99 will come from Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft.

- The Rada extended the martial law in Ukraine for 90 days from February 19, 2023.

General mobilization has been extended for the same period.

- Switzerland may abandon its longstanding policy of neutrality due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, — Reuters.

The country is increasingly talking ( about permission for the export of weapons to Ukraine. Swiss politicians are tempted to do so by the socio-political sentiments of the population and representatives of the military-industrial complex.

This is supported by representatives of the Swiss defense industry and 55% of the Swiss.

- 5-6 thousand artillery shells are used daily by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — financial times.

The publication notes ( that this amount of ammunition is an annual state order of a small European state.

- Russian "Gazprom" creates its own private military company, — GUR.

The head of the government of the Russian Federation Mishustin signed the corresponding order.

Thus, the "arms race" continues in the Russian Federation among the main political players who are actively creating private armies following the example of Yevgeny Prigozhin's Wagner PMC.

- Germany approved the supply of 178 Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine.

Reported by Der SPIEGEL.

- Do you want to rent a grandmother?

Smarts offer to rent an old granny or a relative with a disability to give someone the opportunity to avoid mobilization.

- "Ukraine must win."

German Defense Minister Pistorius arrived in Kyiv and gave an interview to Bild, saying -die-ukraine-den-krieg-gewinnen-j-82824128.bild.html) that Ukraine should conquer Crimea and Donbass, and "the world without Putin would be better".

- Germany has officially confirmed the news about the permission to transfer 178 tanks to Ukraine.

The first Leopard 2 tanks will arrive in Ukraine at the end of March.

- Biden is preparing an important address to the Congress "On the State of the Union", which will be delivered at 4 am Kyiv time.

Among other things, in this speech, the media expects ( statements about war in Ukraine: significant military assistance for Kyiv passes through Congress, the total amount of which has reached $ 30 billion.

- Russia is committed to the offensive, but it does not have the combat power for this, — ISW.

As they say ( analysts , The Kremlin is giving the military an unrealistic timeline for an offensive in the Donetsk region. The Russian Federation is unlikely to increase the combat power necessary to significantly influence the outcome of the war.

- Happy Russian Science Day!

- Makarevich

- If you can't - we'll teach you, if you don't want - we'll force you

- Childhood in Mariupol

- 1000 drones were collected in less than 9 hours

What happened?

What are your opinions? Why is that?

- But not everything is so rosy for the pool in the economy

- And what, someone else thought that the authorities of the Russian Federation retained the remnants of conscience?

- like this

- New coil

- The building of the Investigative Committee was set on fire in Buryatia

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