This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 43

4 February 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

Sorry, it just happened that way

In Novosibirsk, bailiffs took away an apartment from the wife of a mobilized man due to late mortgage payments.

And they sold it at a discount to another person. The woman was surprised that Putin’s decrees do not work and promised to send him a complaint

Russia began to conscript foreign citizens

A video has appeared online showing how an Armenian citizen is being recruited with threats at Russian military registration and enlistment offices.

The main argument of the military commissar is that the citizen of Armenia lives thanks to Russia, that it is Russia that feeds him and that he is now obliged to go to serve.

Typical cringe from warrior posers

This is an excerpt from the debate between politician Vladimir Ryzhkov and Zhirinovsky from 2004 on the still independent NTV. What can you say now, in 2023, after such words? And what is Ryzhkov wrong about?

Everything was obvious back in 2004...

Chmobok elite

In the Sverdlovsk region, the authorities turned out to be fashionistas and bought luxury balaclavas for chmobiks.... with ears.

Wives and mothers of mobsters complain that their men have lice and scabies

Relatives of the mobs from Ussuriysk complained to Putin that the soldiers’ head lice and scabies were progressing, and in their appeal, the women drew attention to the fact that at the local level no one heard them, in the governor’s telegram channel they were blocked

What kind of lice are there? They cannot provide helmets...

Frightened mobs are forced to go into battle with spades

The Buryats are in shock, there is no ammunition, and the commanders are yelling at them for retreating and not going forward with their bare hands

Everything is going according to plan, the second army in the world is becoming the first in terms of meat procurement on the battlefield...

Strelkov-Girkin explains to the mobs how to leave the front

Triple agent, initially recruited by Nicholas II

Such a pretentious rusty trough has never been transferred to the front

The mayor of Kislovodsk, Evgeniy Moiseev, made (in his opinion) a pretentious three-minute video about how a rusty UAZ was sent to mobsters

Here's some help! A strong weapon against Leopard...

What's happening

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