A man tried to sell a tiger via the Internet, but was arrested (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
2 February 2023

You can buy a lot of unusual things on the Internet. But, as a rule, we are not talking about live tigers.

Therefore, the police from Phoenix (Arizona, USA) are very were interested in the ad on social networks, which was given by 25-year-old Carlos Eduardo Castro Alcaraz. He was selling a tiger and asked for 25,000 for the animal dollars.

Posing as buyers, the police contacted the seller and to begin with, they brought down the price to $ 20,000, and then agreed on a visit to Carlos to see the tiger. But the officers also took with a search warrant.

Now the man who illegally kept exotic animals was arrested. In addition to the unfortunate tiger cub, who sat in an unacceptably small cage and suffered greatly from it, the police found Carlos home of a young American alligator and baby caiman tortoises. All animals have been handed over to the Department of Wildlife. The seller tried to justify himself by allegedly ransoming his captives from a certain person, who mistreated animals, but the authorities are not inclined to believe this stories, considering it a fiction in order to evade responsibility.

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