In Australia filmed a snake that flies from the roof

31 January 2023
It seems that the inhabitants of Australia are no longer surprised in terms of living creatures. There are so many crawling creatures that can be found right on the streets .. But recently, even Australians were shocked. They filmed a snake that jumped from the roof to the ground..

This video was filmed in the Australian state of Queensland - and although it lasts a few seconds, it has already managed to scare many locals. In the footage, the snake jumps from the roof of a house in a residential area, lands and quietly crawls on. At the same time, before the jump, the snake shook its body, as if aiming.

Nobody expected this - even the Australians, who are already accustomed to seeing a wide variety of living creatures everywhere. Experts have determined that the video could be either an Australian tree snake or a reticulated brown snake. It is known that the latter can easily crawl onto roofs and rocks.

The video with the "flying snake" quickly spread through social networks and gained millions of views. Local conservation services have warned that residents need to be more careful in the near future - some snakes have cubs at this time and they can be aggressive.
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