Бабуля-маньякуля: історія безжурної чорної вдови Ненні Досс (7 фото)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
22 January 2023

Sometimes you look at a person and you feel such a warm feeling from him. energy that seems like he wouldn't hurt a fly. Such was also Nanny. But only outwardly.

This absolutely charming lady looks like she was born to starch curtains and bake pies and love her children and the whole world.

She really was a kind of addicted and looking for the true love. What did not stop Nanny from doing for at least 30 years a dozen kills.

Subsequently, the press gave her nicknames one more scathing: "merry black widow", "killer of lonely hearts", "Lady Bluebeard". But the record for popularity was broken by "Gnanny Nanny's Granny." In court she constantly giggling, as if she had not dealt with people, but had done something in extremely funny.

The girl was born in Alabama, in a large farm family. There was not much control over the children, they did not attend school too much hard. And Nan Hazel only learned to read and write a little. What is not prevented her from marrying at the age of 16 and giving birth to four daughters. True, two the girls died, presumably poisoned. Turn of the century, high infant mortality. This didn't really surprise anyone. But shortly after the funeral Charlie's husband filed for divorce and disappeared in an unknown direction, taking eldest daughter. Baby Florina stayed with her mother.

Loneliness disgusted Nan, and she immediately took up privacy device. Soon she found a newspaper ad Frank's second husband. Marriage with an ordinary hard worker lasted paradoxically long, 16 years.

Periodically, the mother was visited by the eldest daughter of Melvin, who already got her own kids. Grandma loved to take care of her grandchildren. And the more terrible it was for Melvina to realize and accept their deaths when she left the babies in Nan's care and went away for a while, and then upon arrival, she saw the children dead. Babies buried, inconsolable woman offered condolences.

Relations with Frank by that time had almost gone wrong: a man heavily abused alcohol. Therefore, no one was particularly surprised by death. alcoholic.

Nanny could not stand being alone and set about looking for a candidate in husbands in the usual way, through newspaper ads. Arlie Lanning the middle-aged bride liked it, and 3 days after they met got married. But the man turned out to be an alcoholic again, and the newly-made wife began to carefully and methodically poison him, pouring poison into alcohol. Soon Arlie went after Frank, and the inconsolable widow again took condolences.

In search of the next spouse, the widow went to the service dating. The new husband was not interested in alcohol, but he turned out to be a walker, started walking. And he signed his own death warrant.

Soon, the woman's elderly mother broke her leg. And to spare myself from the labors of caring for the sick, Nan sent the unfortunate after fourth husband. The sister, who arrived at the funeral, inopportunely noticed that Too many deaths surround Nanny. And departed for the other world already on the next day.

In 1953 she married for the fifth and last time. The Chosen One the widowmaker was the priest Samuel Doss, whose family died during a natural disaster. It seemed that here it is happiness: Sam did not drink, not chasing grandmothers. But he was quite demanding and strict in terms of life. Somehow the couple quarreled because of the wife's excessive passion tabloid novels, which she adored and swallowed in packs. In hearts Sam called her an evil lazybones. And in vain: not the next day the unfortunate man was admitted to the hospital with severe poisoning. strong body and timely medical assistance helped him survive. But after two days after returning home, he was also gone.

And then luck left Doss. The attending physician of the deceased interested in the patient's death. She seemed too illogical and suspicious. And the doctor insisted on an autopsy. It showed the presence of the body of the deceased lethal dose of arsenic.

Nan was taken into custody and charged with murder other relatives. After the exhumation of all the bodies, it was found that they died due to poisoning with rat poison. Widow confesses to murder four husbands, but take on episodes with the mother,sister, daughters and refused grandchildren. And she explained her actions by childhood trauma: she hit head at 7 years old in an accident on the railroad. And since then she's been tormented fainting, depressive states and bouts of unmotivated anger.

During interrogations, investigative experiments and even in court the woman behaved strangely: she giggled, amused herself and frankly laughed, when she described the murders of her husbands. The merry widow refused to plead guilty. Naturally, there was no question of repentance. As a result, the court recognized the lady guilty of 12 murders and sentenced to life imprisonment. The “giggling grandmother” did not serve the punishment: in 1964, 10 years later after the verdict, she died in the ward of the prison hospital from leukemia, a little before the age of 60.

23 January 2023
"Ей впаяли пожизненное заключение, но она его не отбыла - умерла раньше." пздц! Кто эти статьи пишет? У автора явный недостаток свинца в голове.
25 January 2023
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Да впаять ей ещё одно пожизненное за то, что не дожила до конца первого пожизненного!
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