"Left to die": the incredible story of the human will, bordering on insanity (9 photos)

15 January 2023
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A man without dreams is like a bird without wings. But there are among them those that should not be translated into the category of desire and aim at execution. Although…

Beck Weathers - pathologist in 1996 was on the verge of 50th anniversary. And, apparently, the man decided that the time for execution dreams have come. The accumulated funds were enough to climb Everest is the highest peak in the world.

Beck Weathers before the tragedy

On the night of May 10-11 of that year, a tragedy occurred: a group climbers fell into a snowstorm, and people began to die one by one. Climbing the peak and in ideal weather conditions is not an easy task. AND in extreme temperatures drops below -50 degrees. A plus strong wind and lack of oxygen.

In case of difficulties, there will be problems with outside help. After all, on at such an altitude, the air is rarefied, and helicopters will not be able to rise for evacuation of the injured. In a word, full Russian roulette, to participate in which people agree quite consciously.

It is impossible to accurately predict the weather. In any case, the prognosis will be approximate. And this means that quiet and clear sunny weather in any moment can change.

The climbers who remained forever dead on the mountain, whom it is problematic to take it down, serve as more than clear confirmation danger for living climbers.

The body of a climber who died on Everest

But for brave and rebellious souls such a warning is not a decree. Necessary to say that Beck turned to mountain climbing as a remedy for depression. When you load the body physically, the head turns off, which, in general, logical. But you have to constantly increase the degree of load, otherwise apathy returns again.


Over and over again, successfully conquering ever higher peaks, Weathers nevertheless decided that the time had come for Everest. At that time, the man was mountaineering for about 10 years. It must be said that the fatal role was played by myopia correction surgery done the day before. After all, because of activities at ultraviolet height temporarily blind and people with excellent vision. And yet there was interference. And Beck is temporarily blind.

The group of climbers was led by New Zealand climber Rob Hall. He suggested that the doctor wait a little while he brought the others up to the top. It was when the peak was about half a kilometer away.

But Hall died in a hurricane. The rest of the group considered Weathers dead, because he began to rave, scream. Then fell into snowdrift and quiet. However, he came to his senses and, despite exhaustion and frostbite, went down on his own. Amazing potential if take into account that during the hurricane much more prepared professional climbers.

Beck in the camp

But the men's misadventures did not end there. In the camp comrades, seeing his blackened limbs, came to the conclusion that he there are only hours, if not minutes. Closed in a tent and preferred forget, allowing the frost to finish what it started. Yes, they left food and water, but Beck couldn't even physically eat on his own due to his injuries. Not even hid normally. Cynically, but one can understand the bandmates: they provided assistance to more promising victims, who even visually, the chances of survival were higher.

But Weathers survived. And in the morning climbers helped him get to main lower camp. From where the victim was urgently evacuated. Beck lost his hands, toes, nose (he was later restored, taking to restore the skin from the forehead and ears).

Beck is now 76 years old. He does not regret the terrible ascent and calls the tragedy that took the lives of 8 of his comrades the biggest experience in your life. But also a new opportunity that made completely reconsider life priorities and take a fresh look at life. The man dedicated the book “Left to Die” to this story, in which described the sensations of a dying person, who exactlyknow that no one will come to help. And saving lives only in his own but already lost sensation frostbitten hands.

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