In Krasnoyarsk, a teacher tried to take away an electronic cigarette from a fifth grader and received a criminal case

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
13 January 2023
Reportedly, the girl smoked right in the classroom, and when the teacher tried to take away her vape, she poured water on her.

Today there was already news about a strange case from Krasnoyarsk. In one of the local schools there was a fight between a teacher and a student. According to one version, the child began to “vape” an electronic cigarette right in the classroom, but there is no evidence of this. And according to another version, the geography teacher, who is also the class teacher, found out that the child was “playing around” with an electronic device and demanded to give the vape.

The schoolgirl did not agree and a fight began. In the process, the student doused the class teacher with water.

As a result, the schoolgirl's finger was broken, but her parents did not go to the police - apparently, after they got acquainted with the video. And the school management did not remove the teacher with experience from work.

However, the case became resonant and the Investigative Committee got involved. A criminal case was opened against the teacher under article 156 “Failure to fulfill the obligations of raising a minor.”

According to her, the teacher can face a fine of up to $ 1,500, correctional labor, a ban on holding certain positions, and even a prison term of up to 3 years. Although it probably won't come to the end. Still, the parents of the schoolgirl initially had no complaints and the management of the educational institution speaks only positively about the teacher.
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