Hit the teacher in the face right during the lesson

Category: Video, Eyewitness
17 November 2022

The young man is studying in the eighth grade for the second year, and earlier he also showed aggression.

Modern schoolchildren are well aware of their rights, and just about anything - instantly stand up for them. The kids are sensitive to the tone of speech, fix the conversation in raised tones, and if they hear threats in the words of the teacher - put out the light! They drag the teacher through the courts. The students themselves, spoiled by permissiveness, are not always able to control themselves.

In Tula, an eighth grade student attacked the class teacher and hit the woman in the face right during the lesson.

The video from the class went viral on social media. It turned out that this child is in the eighth grade for the second year in a row. He is aggressive, does not communicate with peers, and recently attacked teachers with a clerical knife. And now he attacked the class teacher.

He just came up and hit the woman twice in the face, - the shocked parents say. - It is not known how this episode would have ended if other children had not come to the defense of the teacher. The school administration again behaves passively (in the event of a child attacking teachers with a clerical knife, the administration also took no action), and therefore we insist on considering this appeal with the involvement of the competent authorities, believing that Philip (the teenager who attacked the teacher) needs to carry out a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination.

The prosecutor's office of the Tula region announced the start of an audit based on information posted in the media and social networks. According to local media, we are talking about the eighth grade of the school in the railway station district of the city of Tula.

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20 November 2022
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Ничего необычного. Рюський мир...
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