Amazing photo comparisons that will make you look at the world differently (12 photos)

10 January 2023

It is true what they say that everything is known in comparison. Just enough one look at some of the wonders of nature to understand how much we, people, tiny on the scale of our vast world, and how fleeting endless time.

1. Human versus one blue whale skeletal fragment

2. Corn that originated in the territory modern Mexico, looked a little different (on the right) than her modern descendant (left)

3. Tiny hummingbird next to a raspberry

4. Everyone knows that blue whales are the largest animals on the planet, but it is one thing to know and another to see him next to man...

5. Grandfather and grandson, both during their studies in medical school, with a difference of several decades

6. Comparison of a tiger paw and a human hand

7. An American dropped 180 kilograms and compared an old T-shirt with a new one.

8. Actor Russell Crowe showed his Twitter followers the difference rain can bring

"My land 10 weeks ago after the fire and this morning after it rained all weekend"

9. How Pablo Picasso's style has changed over the years

10. What lethal doses of three different drugs look like - heroin, fentanyl and carfentanyl

11. Water from one stream was placed in two tanks in Virginia, USA - on the right with shellfish, on the left without - to demonstrate how they filter water

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