18 Amusing Comparisons That Prove Everything Is Relative (19 Photos)

10 January 2023

Comparison is one way to better understand a lot of things. For example, how big or small certain objects are, or whether to realize how everything around is changeable. Comparisons awaken our curiosity and can really strike. Take a look!

New water filter cartridge, and one that has been used for 3 months

The same place in Tuscany, months apart

Giant Mississippi Mosquito

Tan and natural skin tone in the same person

Knife with 20 years of service life compared to new

The same house and its inhabitants in 1963 and now

Berlin on the edge of time

Whale shark and divers

Difference between a leg with a recent ankle tear and a healthy leg

Tornado compared to windmills

Stairs built in 1829 and 2005

A Ken doll made in 1985 compared to a modern day Ken

How one person can change the world

Venezuelan avocado and German avocado

11 day old mouse and newborn

Sunflower - giant

Paw of a liger (a hybrid of a lion and a tiger) at the age of 9 weeks and 1.5 years

The tomato that broke the world record. It weighs almost four kilograms.

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