30 curious contrasts that will allow you to take a different look at the world (31 photos)

16 November 2022

Everything in our world is relative. Sometimes you can understand the essence of things only by comparing them with slightly modified parameters, such as location, age or time. These oppositions, from locations to technological advances, allow you to take a fresh look at things, which you may have taken for granted. Take a look!

Just two weeks difference

When my kids were four they drew a sunflower

Mother and father

The nineties and now

A burning candle on Earth and a candle on the International Space Station

Ceiling in the smoking area at the airport and in the non-smoking section

A modern tomato and a tomato grown from 150-year-old seeds

High tide in Scotland from the same pier, 12 hours apart

Basketball players - cheerleaders

Elephant and human foot

LED Street Lights vs Traditional Street Lights

Photo without flash and photo with flash

I compared half of my face and half of my daughter's face, it's amazing

Titanic and modern ship

Biggest and smallest Michelin tires

Weather difference: September 3rd and December 8th

Size of Russia and Bangladesh and population

Data comparison 1995 138.24 MB vs 2018 128 GB

Paw of tyrannosaurus rex and emu

Bus for comparison

90 percent and 40 percent wolf

Beginning of the night - morning

Huge difference!

Two very different nights: whiskey and chicken vs muffins and tulips

Human hand and polar bear paw

On the way to the lake and back

My friend in the university dorm in the first and last year

Three Game of Thrones books

And those same books in braille

The difference between 31 and 21 years

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