russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 20-21

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
22 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are no longer the same

By the way, more than 4,300 applications have already been received from those wishing to surrender to Ukrainian captivity of the project “I want to live”

Four idiots replenish the exchange fund...

- How much does patriotism cost in Russia?

It turns out to be inexpensive, only 8,000 rubles are paid to actors who are filmed in disgraceful commercials about the "benefit of mobilization". What drives these actors?

"I filmed for the sake of earning. 8 thousand was a fee", — actor Alexei Zheleznyak. He played a friend of the protagonist, who decided to go to war, because in his town "two options for life: either to drink and drink, or to prison"

"Of course, I [have a bad attitude towards war]. I wish it didn't exist. I have a lot of problems because of it. Tik-tok was closed" — blogger Denis Deham (well, everything is clear here, who is at war, who is tiktok)

"I'm only interested in the fee. Not because I'm greedy, but because you have to live, you can't live on a pension" — actor Alexander Knyazev

We have an idea, we pay 10,000 rubles, only you, idiots, go to rallies and demolish your president (then everyone will live)

- The captain shot a lieutenant at a military airfield in the suburbs

The incident occurred on the territory of the military airfield "Klin-5" (military unit 04775).

Captain Denis Gordeev is suspected of having killed him with one shot in the head from his service pistol while drinking hawthorn alcohol with a lieutenant

His — don't quit, our — kill

- Import substitution has gone ahem-ahem

Well, you understand, right?

- Muscovites were forbidden to blow up fireworks on New Year's Eve

Because they will have other fireworks…

- Today Putin is presenting medals to collaborators

Sosaldo received her in his usual pose...

- So that's why the Wagner returned so quickly

Returned to replace the import of vegetables and meat?

- "Too big losses": a whole reconnaissance battalion from Crimea refused to fight

According to relatives of refuseniks, we are talking about a reconnaissance battalion of the 127th reconnaissance brigade of military unit 67606 (Crimea). After the refusal, the battalion is still on the territory of Ukraine, but it turns out to fight because of heavy losses, "they don't want to die in vain."

Occupiers, can you imagine, it was possible...

- #losses of invaders as of 12/20/2022

+430 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Captain – Mislimov Mislim

Corporal – Andrey Balabaev

Junior Sergeant – Igor Kirnos

- It's not a joke: Russian-haired communists believe that porn is used in the ideological struggle against the great scat.

Somewhere Sasha Grey, advertising the military enlistment office, started crying.

- Soon the whole world will be able to see the capabilities of North Korean missiles, said the sister of Kim Jong-un.

Also, Kim Yo Jung added that the "poor experts" underestimate the potential of the weapons of the DPRK.

It seems that a spoiler for 2023 has arrived.

- Russia is stoking tensions in Serbia as war in Ukraine overslurping, writes The Guardian.

According to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, rising tensions are only to Putin's advantage, as members of the People's Patrol, a Serbian nationalist organization affiliated with the Wagner PMC, have also joined the conflict, threatening to confront NATO forces:

"I think that now that Russia has suffered heavy losses in Ukraine, they are interested in moving their military operations to the Balkans"

- Blackout in the Kyiv region may last until December 23, said the head of the Kyiv OVA Oleksiy Kuleba:

«Work is underway. It takes another 2-3 days to change the situation.

He added that the situation with electricity in the region is difficult due to the consequences of the shelling that took place on December 19 at night.

- NATO can defeat Russia in three days, writes ( Newsweek.

This was stated by the member of the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party, Adam Kinzinger:

"NATO's war against Russia will be like a real three-day operation," the American parliamentarian wrote on his Twitter account in response to a question from a social network user why NATO has not yet defeated Russia in an open confrontation.

It will certainly not be "Kyiv in three days".

- In Russia, they are preparing for mass protests: the units of the Russian Guard are planned to be taken to the regions of the Russian Federation so that they act as power units in the event of actions of disobedience by new waves of mobilized Russians.

The Kremlin needs "chain dogs" in Moscow itself and in the regions, in order to appease the manifestations of people's discontent.

- The situation with electricity is difficult, less than half of consumers in Kyiv have electricity, Ukrenergo reports.

A significant shortage of capacities remains in the energy system of the country and the priority is – powering critical infrastructure facilities.

- President Volodymyr Zelensky in Bakhmut!

He visited the advanced positions in Bakhmut and presented awards to the fighters.

Bakhmut – the hottest spot on the front.

- Russia's battle for Bakhmut may turn into a pyrrhic victory: analytics ( -20/) from Reuters.

According to experts, gaining control over the city could give the Russian Federation a springboard for attacking two larger cities – Kramatorsk and Slavyansk. It would also deprive Ukraine of a useful intersection of roads and railways.

But due to fierce fighting and Russian shelling, most of Bakhmut lies in ruins, and the Ukrainian forces in the west have had enough time to build defensive lines, due to which the strategic value of the city has decreased and it will be difficult for Russia to reverse the capture of the city, if that happens, into a wider breakthrough.

- Alarms are not ignored!

Up to 6 Russian ships are on combat duty in the Black Sea.

Up to 2 ships on combat duty in the Sea of Azov.

In the Mediterranean Sea – 9 ships, of which 5 are carriers of Caliber cruise missiles, a total salvo of – 72 missiles.

- Ukraine received a $2 billion grant from the United States. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

Funds received from the World Bank Trust Fund.

This is the second tranche of a grant totaling $4.5 billion.

- The Briton is selling the senior title to help Ukraine.

A resident of the island of Jersey (Great Britain) Sam Le Quesne decided to auction the title of senior to help Ukraine. The starting price of the title Seigneur of Poingdestre withbids £25,000.

Sam Le Quesne – descendant of an old family. The title of Senior was given to his family in the 16th century by the Duke of Normandy and has been passed down for 18 generations ever since.

- The FSB officers in cassocks turned on the offense: the synod of the UOC-MP requires Zelensky to lift the sanctions, and the "Kvartal 95" – sorry for the jokes.

The Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate wants to unblock the activities of sanctioned dioceses, and also demands a public apology from Kvartal 95 for jokes about religion.

- Oil exports from Russia fell after the introduction of G-7 sanctions, writes ( g-7-sanctions-began?srnd=premium-europe) Bloomberg.

Sales in the country fell by more than half in a week.

The total volume of supplies from the country decreased by 1.86 million barrels per day, or 54%, to 1.6 million.

- The United States in a new package of military assistance to Ukraine plans to transfer electronic equipment that can turn unguided aircraft munitions into "smart bombs", reports ( -war-news-12-20-22/h_26591883fb77a5ab70e6194d9af266d9) CNN.

The mentioned electronic means combine navigation and global positioning systems and can be adapted to bombs of different weights and sizes to create the so-called integrated direct strike munitions.

- Russia plans to transfer military components to Iran in exchange for drones, reports ( -another-front-12541713) Sky News.

"In exchange for the supply of more than 300 UAVs, the Russian Federation now intends to provide Iran with advanced military components that undermine both the Middle East and international security," British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said.

- The state budget received the first 3 billion from the nationalization of Russian banks, the group reports ( yardy/) Trap Aggressor.

The first funds were received as a result of the seizure of objects of property rights of the Russian Federation and its residents in Ukraine.

We are talking about the balances on the accounts of Ukrainian subsidiaries of Sberbank and "Web.PF" ("International Reserve Bank" and "Prominvestbank").

- Putin is preparing the population of Russia for a protracted war, writes ( Financial Times.

For the second time in a month, the President of the Russian Federation said that the war in Ukraine is becoming "extremely complicated"; and hostilities may drag on.

Putin doesn't seem to be giving up on his maximalist goals, which essentially boil down to the destruction of Ukraine in its current form, even as the Russian Federation struggles to gain ground.

- Japan has chosen a character meaning "war" as the hieroglyph of the year; or "battle", writes ( abe-assassination) The Guardian.

The choice is due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The last hieroglyph meaning "war" was chosen in 2001, the year of the 9/11 attacks.

- But the crypt came in handy: Visa will allow customers to pay utility bills with cryptocurrency .html) PaySpace Magazine.

An international payment operator plans to launch automatic payment of electricity and phone bills or other services directly through their e-wallets using cryptocurrency.

Not in vain they were sitting.

- A military aircraft, on which Volodymyr Zelensky is supposedly on board, landed at the US Naval Aviation Joint Base Andrews.

It is located 24 km from Washington.

- Putin puts pressure on Lukashenka and hopes for help, — ISW. Increasing Russian pressure on Belarus reduces the room for maneuver for Lukashenka, who is struggling to avoid concessions to the Kremlin.

However, despite the deployment of Russian tanks in the Security Council, experts still see no signs of an attack on Ukraine from the territory of this country.

- Vladimir Zelensky officially confirmed his visit to the United States.

President plans to meet with US counterpart Joe Biden and address Congress.

This is Zelensky's first visit abroad since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

- Migrants from the CSTO countries will go to war

Citizens of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Armenia and Belarus under the gun of Russian military correspondents. Labor migrants from these countries between the ages of 18 and 40 are given leaflets urging them to enter into a contract to participate in the war in Ukraine.

The advantages of service in the Russian army are: "joint opposition to the Nazis in Ukraine within the framework of the CSTO", "the opportunity to gain invaluable military experience", "the opportunity to become a hero of Russia".

A small piece of advice for labor migrants – RUN! Otherwise — inevitable death at the front

- Minus 10 invaders, plus trophies for ZSU

- In the occupied Donetsk, summonses began to be issued… women

Things are very bad in the Russian army

- Prigozhin was going to recruit female prisoners for the war

Ural deputy from United Russia Vyacheslav Vegner assures that women from IK-6 Nizhny Tagil themselves ask to be sent to the front as signalmen and nurses.

Prigozhin liked the idea: “I absolutely agree with you. Not only nurses and signalmen, but also in sabotage groups and sniper pairs. Everyone knows that it was widely used. We are working in this direction. There is resistance, but I think we will press on.

- #losses of invaders as of 21.12

+ 520 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Senior Lieutenant Anatoly Semyonov

Major Konstantin Oleinikov

battalion commander lieutenant colonel Vladimir Nikolenko

Major of the GRU Spirit Force Andrey Kuznetsov

- Officially: the United States will transfer the Patriot system to Ukraine — this information was confirmed by the White House.

The system will be included in the next help package. The Ukrainian military will be taught to use it in a third country.

- Bulbashi fuss. Belarus has restricted access to three districts of the Gomel region bordering Ukraine.

Namely — within the border strip of Loevsky, Bragin and Khoiniki regions. They border on the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions of Ukraine (from these regions the Russian offensive against Kyiv began in February).

- The Ukrainian delegation during the visit of Vladimir Zelensky to the United States intends to ask Washington for the supply of ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles with a range of up to 300 km, — Politico.

As well as the Gray Eagle and Reaper strike and reconnaissance drones.

- Russia and Iran are building a trade route in defiance of sanctions, — Bloomberg.

Russia and Iran are creating a new transcontinental trade route stretching from the eastern edge of Europe to the Indian Ocean, a 3,000-kilometer (1,860-mile) passage inaccessible to any foreign interference.

Two countries are spending billions of dollars to speed up the delivery of grties along rivers and railways connected by the Caspian Sea.

What happened? Did something go wrong? Putin's message to the Federal Assembly is still postponed to 2023.

This information has already been confirmed by the mustache of the Kremlin Sands.

- Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, who is trying to do everything to block aid to Ukraine, issued this post.

We should understand that there are such points of view among the American elite.

- "The oligarchs are beginning to love Ukraine, and the SBU is helping them with this", — Malyuk.

According to Malyuk, some of them now go for interrogations. And if necessary, businessmen will also have to take up arms and stand in the trench side by side, because they are citizens like everyone else.

- Such a "Wagnerian" would be captured with pleasure.

Only Navalny was not invited to the audience for some reason. But Krymnebuterbrod could be released in six months.

- Vladimir Zelensky has already landed in the USA, — CBS.

Briefly about the schedule (in Kyiv):

21:00 — meeting with Biden;

21:30 — bilateral meeting with Biden;

23:30 — press conference with Biden;

01:15 — meeting with Nancy Pelosi;

02:30 — speech at the general meeting of the Congress.

- The United States has allocated $1 billion worth of military assistance to Ukraine, the White House reported.

- The United States is awaiting approval from Zelensky to recognize Russia as an aggressor state, CNN reports.

Parliamentarians want to know what level of support Ukraine has for the relevant bill.

- Volodymyr Zelensky may visit the UK, France and Germany after his visit to the US, — CBS.

- The first photos of Vladimir Zelensky from Washington.

</ p>

- Joe Biden: The United States supports Ukraine's aspirations for a just world.

Vladimir Zelensky: It is a great honor for me to be here.

- Historical photo. Negotiations between Zelensky and Biden have started in the Oval Office.

- The first photo in Ukraine of one of the two recently delivered French MLRS LRU, which is a European upgrade of the M270 and is capable of launching the full range of compatible missiles.

- "America welcomes you, Mr. President", — Joe Biden on Twitter.

- Joe Biden's administration is going to take new measures within 24 hours aimed at restricting the Wagner PMC's access to various technical means, — Reuters.

According to the agency, Washington will ensure that PMCs cannot obtain systems produced anywhere using American equipment.

- Biden confirmed that Ukraine will receive Patriot systems from the United States.

The preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the use of the American Patriot air defense systems transferred to them "will take time", the US President said.

- Desecration of the symbol of the Reich

What is the penalty?

- In Moscow, near Red Square, Yulia Averyanova protested with a poster “No to war. War — this is the most heinous crime. She was detained and already released from the department with a protocol on discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

- Stas's channel Ah-how-simply demolished from YouTube

- Tse Bakhmut. People want Rіzdva

- Just enough to bam bambas

- This is Shoigu's deputy Timur Ivanov with his wife. And no, this is not an artistic photo, this is how they live. Isn't that all funny to them?

- If you're in a bad mood, here's Strelkov's analytics.

- Cotton wool's ass is on fire then a new package of military aid

- Thank you USA for the battle pass-lease

- Isn't that what he's doing now?

- The prices for the "Russian" crossover Moskvich-3 have been announced: for a bare base with a gasoline engine, it will ask from 1.97 million rubles. That's 1 million extra for the word "Moskvich" in Chinese Jac 2019

- And nothing clicks

- "Fight for our country, and let the Ukrainians die." Children wrote letters to Russian soldiers for the war.

- Fuck, I don't even know what to say. Toli stupidity, toli arrogance, roofing felts all together.

- A little more, a little more

- Nothing to look at! The planned release of jobs continues. The task of creating 300K places will be completed

- In the meantime, cats in your feed

- Another puzzle from Ermak

- Kharkiv

- Yura, they Fucked

- Feel the difference

- Archival photo

- So in Chita it's twenty degrees outside, why is there heating there? Ouch...

- And now let's not live with illusions and take a look at the reality of the propagandists of the Russian Federation

- ASTRA: Human rights activist from Buryatia Yevgeny Khasoev congratulated the FSB of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday with a single picket near the Russian Embassy in Warsaw


- Memes

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