russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 18-19

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- PMCs also tend to end

Here, for example, Sergey Shumilov — A Wagnerian from Lyskovo (Nizhny Novgorod region) became food for the Ukrainian land and a spectator at Kobzon's concert at the same time...

- Very knowledgeable Moscow bum

In Moscow, a homeless person climbed into a pizzeria, drank cider, left an autograph in the form of the inscription "Nikita was here" and left.

Genius man…

- This year has been difficult, but everything is going according to plan

Approximately so it will be...

- Clown Achievements

The second army of the world in the course of heavy fighting captured the kindergarten "Golden Key" in Marinka.

Shovels and buckets — abandoned APU ammunition for them?

- #losses of invaders as of 12/18/2022

+590 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Major – Alexander Nakonechny

Sergeant – Evgeny Akdavletov

Special Forces – Alexander Nepsha

Senior Sergeant – Nikolay Bakhvalov

- The World War is already underway, and you don't even know about it.

Pope Francis believes that the conflict in Ukraine is a "world war" and will not end anytime soon.

- The authorities of Moldova declared their independence from Russian gas. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu.

«We promised that we would create reserves and find alternatives in order to stop depending on one source — we did it, — Spinu said.

- The Kremlin ordered the Russian media to portray Putin as a "bringer of good news", – ISW.

Analysts suggested that Russia is trying to rehabilitate Putin's image. The fact is that the dictator is increasingly criticized. Now they want to portray the bunker grandfather as a competent military leader.

- Putin "already lost" war with Ukraine strategically, — Former US Army General McCaffrey.

Answering a question about how the general feels about reports of a new offensive by the Russian Federation at the beginning of next year, he said that this is already "despair"; Russia, but also expressed the opinion that the Russian Federation had already lost the war at a strategic level.

By the way, his past predictions about Russia's successes and failures have mostly been accurate.

- A truce on Russia's terms will not improve the situation of Ukrainians, — German Foreign Minister.

The FRG sees no hope for a suspension of hostilities in the war for the holidays and no signs that Russia is going to retreat.

- Nothing unusual, just Russian media have been reporting on the capture of Yakovlevka for almost a month now.

When you planned to take Kyiv in three days, but you report about the capture of a village with a population of 900 people.

- Here it is, the desire for independence from Russia: Germany's first floating terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas is opened in the city of Wilhelmshaven in the north of the country.

The German authorities plan to build another floating unit for receiving liquefied fuel by the end of 2022 and two — by May 2023.

- In Kyiv, arrival at a critical infrastructure facility – KMVA.

As of 06:25, more than 20 enemy drones were sighted over the capital. 15 of them were shot down by our air defense.

- There are also hits in residential buildings, according to the head of the OVA Alexei Kuleba.

Pre-– two people were injured.

- Putin's meeting with Belarusian President Lukashenko is part of an effort to create informational conditions for a new phase of the war, they write ( ISW analysts.

Putin will discuss wider participation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in further Russian aggression against Ukraine. Also, the President of the Russian Federation may order the resumption of large-scale offensive operations this winter.

- St. Nicholas Day.

You all know what to ask him, right?

- The UK plans to supply Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of artillery ammunition in 2023, AFP reports.

The aid will be provided under a £250 million contract. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will make the relevant announcement during a meeting with leaders from the Nordic countries, the Baltics, and the Netherlands.

- As a result of the attack on the capital, there is damage to critical infrastructure, Mayor Klitschko reports.

Energy and heat workers are working to quickly stabilize the situation with energy and heat supply.

- The Wagnerites reached Serbia, writes ( Balkan observer. ( Among the organizers of yesterday's actions near the checkpoint "Yarine" were representatives of right-wing Serbian organizations, in particular the Serbian branch of the Russian paramilitary group Wagner.

Thus, among the organizers of the protest was Damjan Knezevic, a Serb associated with PMCs.

- Russia sent more than 500 thousand tons of wheat from Crimea to Syria on Syrian ships under sanctions, writes ( -ukraine-cries-foul-2022-12-19/) Reuters.

The amount of wheat stolen from Ukraine, shipped to Syria from the Black Sea port of Sevastopol in Crimea, has increased 17-fold this year to just over 500,000 tons, nearly a third of the country's total grain imports.

- Putin outplayed everyone again: Finland has the largest firepower in Europe per capita, reports ( -finland-s-troops-and-tanks-in-from-the-cold-war?srnd=premium-europe) Bloomberg.

Finland has more artillery than France and Germany combined, and during the war it can call up to 280 thousand soldiers, this figure is more than in Great Britain.

At the moment, Finland is waiting to join NATO.

- The Russian military is developing plans for "massive infantry attacks" similar to the tactics used by the USSR during World War II, reports ( -russia-war-winter.html) New York Times.

Рф has already recruited and is training soldiers who can be involved in such attacks.

In simple words: Raska wants to bombard Ukraine with tons of meat. Classic scoop tactics.

- A Greek citizen suspected of spying for the Katsapia was detained in Austria. It turned out to be the son of a former employee of the Russian-haired GRU, reports ( Kronen Zeitung.

During the search, he was found to havelistening devices.

When he arranged for his son to work through connections, but something went wrong.

- - "Good Russians" wish Ukrainians death and suffering

While Russia attacked Ukraine with the help of 35 shaheeds, the citizens of this "wonderful" countries wish Ukrainians death and suffering.

And so, of course, "we are ordinary citizens, we are not to blame for anything"


- How symbolic! In the Donetsk region, the occupier, who played the main role in the film "Vanka", was eliminated

The protagonist of the Russian film "Vanka" Yevgeny Kolesnikov was eliminated during the war in Ukraine. He volunteered for the Russian troops, joining the "Ahmad-West" occupying groups.

Russian «vankas» have no luck in Ukraine

- NASA showed what Ukraine looks like after a missile attack on December 16

The whole country is in darkness, but the main thing — without Russian

- Putin flew to his dictator friend, Lukashenka met him with… bread and salt and flowers

And they will not live long and unhappily, and they will die in one day

By the way, Putin flew to Belarus for the first time since June 2019.

- "The aesthetic perception of the Christmas tree depends on the person"

Or how else to say "it's your problem, that you don't like something."

Do you also have questions about «aesthetic perception» commissions in Perm?

- Invaders use microwave ovens stolen in Ukraine in an original way

- Airfields from which bl..din carriers take off.

Attention, an air raid alert has been declared in most regions of Ukraine.

The "" investigative team, after analysis, established the airfields and the number of aircraft from which missile launchers fly to terrorize the civilian population and destroy civilian infrastructure.

Most likely, these actions are connected with the arrival of a bald man and his underformation in Belarus. They want to persuade the cockroach to action.

We hope that now at airfields smoking in unspecified places will become more frequent.

- Perhaps something began to reach the Z-warriors…

- The Kremlin instructed to limit opinion polls after a sharp drop in support for the war

The reason is that society's attitude to military operations has changed dramatically in the eighth month of the invasion.

A closed poll conducted for the Kremlin in November by the Federal Security Service (FSO) showed that only 25% of respondents support the continuation of the war, while in July there were 57%. The share of those in favor of peace talks increased from 32% to 55%.

- #losses of invaders as of 19.12

+ 520 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Senior Lieutenant Roman Nesterenko PMC "Dembel" (Wagner)

Andrey Galkin, volunteer from Sergiev Posad

Lieutenant Danilchenko Nikolay

Lt. Col. Alexander Lopin, Commander of the 2nd Battalion Tactical Group, 108th Air Assault Regiment, 7th Mountain Airborne Division

- A surprise check of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus has been completed in Belarus.

This is reported in the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus. Thus, this check of combat readiness lasted only 6 days.

- A very cunning plan of the katsaps: posters appeared in Irkutsk calling for the identification ofl spies.

Russian Authorities Believe Spies Can't Pronounce "Syktyvkar" and "Bashkortostan".

Yes, the majority of Russians will not be able to pronounce it, plant everyone at once.

- Russia has more artillery, but they are shelling the void: ironic material ( -russian-gunners-have-a-bad-habit-of-shelling--nothing/?sh=481e2810aed7) by Forbes.

The Russian army still has more artillery and rocket launchers than the Ukrainian army. But Russian gunners have a bad habit of firing at "nothing". Or conduct a friendly fire.

Command failures result in a lot of wasted projectiles and too many friendly fire incidents. Even when the artillery is not hitting anything or, even worse, is hitting allied positions, the gunners keep firing.

- an accomplice in the murder of the Russian-haired chanson performer Mikhail Krug will go to fight in Ukraine.

Former killer of the Tver Wolves gang Alexander Ageev asked to be sent to a "special operation" as part of the Wagner PMC.

He is currently serving a life sentence.

- Today, at the talks between Putin and Lukashenko, there will be an opportunity to talk about military issues, given the turbulence, Peskov's mustache said.

Given the turbulence of common sense?

- The investigation into the treason of Yanukovych and Azarov has been completed, the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation reports ( -rf).

The State Bureau of Investigation and the Office of the Prosecutor General have completed a special pre-trial investigation on suspicion of the former President and Prime Minister of Ukraine of committing high treason for the implementation of the "Kharkov Accords".

It is established that former officials contributed to the military plans of the Russian Federation. They were engaged in increasing the number of personnel and military equipment of the invaders.

- The aircraft of the bunker grandfather entered the airspace of Belarus.

Il-96-300PU with registration number RA-96022 entered the airspace of Belarus. The plane took off from St. Petersburg at 14:25 local time. Flight number — RSD111.

It is likely that for conspiracy at 14:30 from the Moscow airport «Vnukovo» another IL-96-300PU was raised with reg. number RA-96020. Flight number — RSD1/RSD001. In addition, in the morning, two sides of Putin-96022 and RA-96014 were immediately transferred to St. Petersburg, the second one was also raised into the sky after Putin took off.

Most likely, the Fuhrer is flying to Minsk on RA-96022.

- It is reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine yesterday carried out a successful counterattack on the eastern Frontiers of Bakhmut.

We are awaiting official confirmation from the General Staff.

- The most intelligent srach ever:

Former Austrian Foreign Minister and lover of the narrow world Karin Kneissl wrote: "Moscow + snow = beauty", posting a photo from the shining lights of the capital Raska.

In response, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote: “Snow, darkness, war. Kyiv and Kharkov» and showed a photo of the Ukrainian winter.


- The Prime Minister of Britain urged to ignore the calls of the Russian Federation for a ceasefire until the withdrawal of troops, writes Sky News (

Rishi Sunak addressed the leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force member countries in Latvia and said that the alliance should provide more military assistance to Ukraine, including additional air defense systems, artillery and armored vehicles.

- Bryuska is our Willis, aka "Die Hard" does not even realize that he advertises the sponsors of terrorism!
Brand "Hell" continues its activities in Russia, and accordingly – sponsors each of the rockets that fly to our land every day!

- Vankas are over, People get ready: in Gorlovka in the so-called «DPR» the women began to bring summons.

Earlier, in the banana republic it was already hinted that if by the end of the year all men are zakobzonized, they will begin to call on women.

Kirzachi, tampons, lipstick – and in the battle for bambas.

- This is how the famous Snake Island looks now.

A heap of rusty scrap metal and our coat of arms. And how many Russians there the horses moved – feast for the eyes!

- The main Christmas tree of the country shone in Kyiv, Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said.

For comparison on 2-5 photos – how she looked for three years before.

- Ukraine has not yet received weapons under lend-lease, reported ( Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko. For now, the US is using other avenues of assistance.

Washington does not yet use lend-lease to save the Ukrainian budget in the future, while US military aid is transferred to Ukraine under other programs.

- The West's hysterical reaction to the special operation confirms Russia's conclusions that the special operation was absolutely necessary — sad horse Lavrov.

- Russia showed the upgraded nuclear bomber "White Swan" -blitz-1768109) Newsweek.

According to the newspaper, the upgraded version of the Tu-160M strategic bomber is now capable of carrying Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic nuclear missiles.

- The most important thing about the meeting of the bunker and the potato grandfather: they dress like the best friends in the third grade.

Thank you for your attention.

- Krinzhatinki in your feed: a film about "love" was shot in Italy ( between a guy from Kharkov and a Russian occupier.

Video titled Borderless directed by Nicholas Morganti Patrignani.

Pianist Rosario Gorgone became the screenwriter and producer. He illustrated his musical composition with this video and posted it on his own YouTube.

- Can Putin raze all of Ukraine to the ground? This question was answered in an editorial column ( by The Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.

ByIn his opinion, the current process of Russian bombing of infrastructure and residential areas is similar to Russia’s tactics in Chechnya, where a large number of cities were destroyed on Putin’s orders, so Ukrainians need to be ready for such a scenario of warfare.

- Donald Trump can sit down on a bottle: Congress recommended that criminal charges be announced against him

Special Committee to Investigate January 6, 2021 Capitol Storming Recommended Four Criminal Charges Against Trump.

– influencing or obstructing US government official procedure;

– conspiracy to mislead the US government;

– illegal, knowing or false statements to the federal government;

– aid in the rebellion against the United States.

- The United States accuses the UN of inaction in the investigation of the use of Iranian UAVs by Russia, writes ( 2022-12-19/) Reuters.

The United States believes that UN Secretary General António Guterres was subjected to pressure from the Russian Federation, which is why he did not send officials to Ukraine to check the use of Iranian drones by Russia:

"We regret that the UN has not taken any steps to conduct a normal investigation into this allegation of violation," – Deputy US Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said.

- Shoigu screwed up epic: the Russian Ministry of Killings said that he checked the forward positions of Russian units

But they were 75 kilometers from the front line.

On Sunday, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published a video of Sergei Shoigu's trip to the "NVO area", where he inspected the advanced positions of the troops.

The video shows the trenches, which the minister examines from a helicopter window. Judging by the geolocation of the place over which Shoigu flew, it turned out to be located in the Crimea, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Armyansk, more than 75 kilometers from the nearest Ukrainian positions.

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