russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 11

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
12 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- For Russians, one should carefully read Putin's statements

- Murad Saidov, beloved Kadyrovite, probably died in Melitopol

Telegram channels report that he was "watching" from the Chechen mafia in Melitopol.

- In the occupied Crimea, now instead of beaches - a line of defense

What happened?

- New Balance is not the same anymore

Import substitution as it is

Stamp on clothes - great idea! Soon all Russians will be visible from afar

- Icy Vanka guards the local house of culture in Chita

Given the level of provision of the invaders with winter equipment — ice sculpture looks mockingly

- First they draw penises on snowflakes and stick portraits of famous politicians on them…

…and then they wonder why highly intellectual and morally spiritual personalities do not grow out of them

This, by the way, is the main Christmas tree in Tver

- There will be a lot of Putins in Russia on New Year's Eve

A cardboard mask for 479 rubles will help to tighten the appearance of a bunker

Insanity grew stronger

- In Lugansk, the invaders made Shevchenko a "Russian poet"

The Russians have not come up with anything better than to nail the appropriate plate to the monument. clowns

- You won't see more krillzhatin today

But it's not exactly, it's Russia

- Christmas captive Wagner arrived

What only snowdrops do not dig in Ukraine

- Bayans and balalaikas are simply necessary on the front line

While the Ukrainians are collecting drones, cars and equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the occupiers are collecting button accordions and balalaikas for chmobiks "in order to inspire them to exploits"

Not a country, but a huge circus arena

- "Russians are not welcome here"

A restaurant in France welcomes any guests except Russians.

Je ne ma pa si zhu

- #losses of invaders as of 11.12

+ 348 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Captain Alexander Balakhonov

Major Dmitry Lovtsov

commander of the battalion of volunteers reserve captain Yevgeny Shtonda

Alexander Vasyuk from Krasnodar in 2018 killed an old woman - a pawnbroker. He was supposed to be released in 2035, but recently signed up for the Wagner PMC. By tradition, as always, he was successfully amnestied.

- Guess the country from the photo

And it's not even Ukraine after rocket attacks. This is an ordinary hostel in Chelyabinsk and an ordinary house somewhere in the Moscow region.

Still can't figure out who still needs to be saved

- Why did it happen? In the event of a military conflict, the German army can only protect a small city like Augsburg. For Berlin, the defense is not enough, — Frank Haun, head of the KNDS defense group.

- Claims of Ukraine and Russia to the Crimea leave no chance for peace between the countries, — The Washington Post.

The newspaper writes that the Crimean issue can become an impetus for a nuclear war and hinders in a global sense to end this conflict.

- Rashist nationalist battalion "Rusich" (he is already fighting in the Donbass) named Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia — "provisional republics" and announced the collection of information about the military facilities of the Baltic countries, — The Guardian.

- Berlin woke up. Ukraine and Germany have reached an agreement on the supply of additional weapons to Kyiv, — Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Makeev.

The ambassador also noted that Kyiv "continues to negotiate" about the supply of Leopard 2 tanks, which Berlin has repeatedly refused to send.

- Energy infrastructure will not be restored after shelling, — DTEK.

Holding, according to executive director Dmitry Sakharuk, in the future will focus all efforts on the creation of new facilities.

- After eight rocket attacks by the invaders in Ukraine, all thermal and hydroelectric power plants were damaged, Prime Minister Shmyhal said.

Also, according to him, about 40% of high-voltage network facilities have been damaged to varying degrees.

- Ukraine will be able to count on France's support for as long as it takes to fully restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity, — French President Macron.

- General Armageddon (the same Surovikin) can become a dangerous enemy, — The Telegraph.

It was he who convinced Pynya to start the retreat from Kherson and made sure that everything did not end in a bloody massacre. But the main danger is that he uses the tactics of constant missile terror of the civilian population in order to morally break people.

- "Today will probably be the hardest evening in my history", — Serbian President Vučić. He also called on Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija to keep the peace.

"The US and Pristina do not comply with any agreement reached on Kosovo", — also said Vucic.

- APU fighters will resume active counter-offensive actions when the soil freezes and becomes harder for easier passage of equipment, — Reznikov.

- February 24 is divided into before and after

-- Siberia, 1998. Teachers get paid with vodka

- "Ukraine-steep down"

- Memes

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