Photos from which goosebumps run down the skin (23 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
10 December 2022

Photos of unusual places, objects and phenomena evoke curiosity, allow you to learn a lot of new things and simply delight your unusualness. But the opposite also happens. These photos, for example, I want swipe as soon as possible, although nothing particularly scary on them, like, no ... or is there?

Cave deep in the Alps

WWII bunker

Electrical wiring on the streets of Thailand

The book of names in Auschwitz, which lists all those who died in the Holocaust

Abandoned Gift Shop

The largest carrot in the world

This is how cockroaches are born

big booty

unusual hive

Happy birthday, Jesus!

Abandoned hotel in the jungle of Japan

14-year-old Keith Spasford hid in the undercarriage gondola to look at the world, but when the plane released the landing gear, it fell out and crashed to death

Parasite in the human eye

Godly Switch

Abandoned Polish cemetery

Viking skull with sharpened teeth. Why they were turned is unknown.

Secret passage from 1st to 3rd floor in Bran Castle

Abandoned City Hall subway station in New York subway

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Movie Costume

This cosplayer just wanted to have some fun... but he looks like a living nightmare

Sunken tank "Sherman" from the Second World War

Princeton students after a snowball fight between first and second years

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