New York declares state of emergency due to snowfall

23 November 2022
US President Joe Biden has declared a state of emergency in the state of New York due to snowfall. The blizzard and snowfall began on November 18 and does not subside. The cities were covered with snow and accidents and terrible traffic jams formed on the roads. One of these epic crashes involving buses, a police car, a taxi and a snowplow was caught on video.

"Joe Biden has ordered federal assistance to complement state and local efforts to respond to the emergency resulting from a severe winter storm and snowstorm," the White House said in a statement.

New York City received 21.5 inches (54.61) of snow on Saturday, a historic state record for the day, according to CNN.

Because of the snow on the roads formed terrible traffic jams. Cars got into accidents because they were not ready for snowy roads.

One of these accidents was caught on video.

At least 10 cars were involved in the accident. First, the bus crashes into five cars standing at a traffic light. A pickup truck drives into the bus, followed immediately by a second bus. Sliding down the road, a police car flies backwards into the last bus, and a snowplow immediately enters it. No casualties have been reported.
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