A traveling cat travels around the cities with its owners (30 photos)

Category: Animals
20 November 2022

A cat named Pumpkin (or Pumpkin) loves to travel. FROM the very first days, when the owners took her as a kitten, she showed how loves to explore new things. Now this beauty is enchanting social network.

According to the owners, they took Pumpkin (Pumpkin, or Pumpkin), when she was about two months old. From that age she began travel - she was brought to them by plane from another state. "She is She immediately showed that she loves to explore. Early days in our pumpkin house meowed looking at the window, and asked to let her out. Walking in the yard then turned into walks around the area and trips to the beaches and parks," - says the owner of the cat.

Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco

Pumpkin is such a kind and sociable creature that the owners even decided to assign her the status of a cat-therapist. She took a little course, and officially became a therapy animal. Now Pumpkin travels with their masters in various American cities, and for the most part explores interesting places in San Francisco. Check out her adventures:

16th Avenue Street, San Francisco

Nisen Marks Park

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Chinatown, San Francisco

At Mount Tamalpais


Walk of Fame in Hollywood

Golden Gate Bridge

Satro Bats, pools in San Francisco

Kayaking off the coast of Half Moon Bay

Crystal Springs Reservoir

Buena Vista Park

Los Angeles

City of San Jose

Ina Coolbrith Park in San Francisco


Grace Cathedral

Stanford University

Bixby Creek Bridge in California

City of Foster City

Niagara Falls Park

travel cat

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