Fans of the blogger Litvin tried to repeat his trick and left the medical girl disabled

17 November 2022
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Imitating their idol Litvin, two juvenile boobies could not hold a 19-liter bottle and dropped it down from the 10th floor. As a result, the girl suffered multiple fractures and injuries. And the boys are not subject to criminal liability because of their young age.

In Moscow, teenagers tried to repeat the trick of their favorite blogger by pouring water from a large bottle on passers-by. However, they did not calculate the forces, and a large container flew down from the 10th floor. As a result, a 22-year-old medical student was injured. The girl at that very moment was leaving the store located on the first floor of the house.

From the blow she lost consciousness - she woke up already in the hospital. She was diagnosed with a whole range of injuries to internal organs: a fracture of the thoracic vertebrae, the neck of the scapula of the right hand, a rupture of the ligaments of the right hand, bruises of the ribs. In addition, the liver and spleen were damaged, the girl had internal bleeding.

Because the main blame was taken by a boy who was under 14 years old, he cannot be held accountable. Most likely, the court will agree with the need to compensate the girl for the harm caused to her health at the expense of the boy's parents. But this is not yet certain.

As for the blogger Litvin, whom the boys imitated, this is a prankster who regularly arranged pranks, filmed videos in which he hooligans, provoked and behaved like a moron who had nothing to do. In a word, the ideal hero for today's youth.
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