17 curious images of fascinating rarities (18 photos + 2 videos)

14 November 2022

The world is huge and amazing, and every second there is something interesting. In this post you will see photos of fascinating finds that will broaden your horizons.

Savior of the world, most expensive painting ever sold depicting Jesus Christ c. It was written by Leonardo yes Vinci circa 1490-1510 and sold for $450.3 million in 2017 year

creative street art

Saturn taken during the day

The jaw of an ancient megalodon compared to a 3m great white shark

Eiffel Tower from a different perspective

Santorini is an interesting place to explore

In 1850, a farmer found a secret village, more older than the great pyramids of Egypt: Skara Brae, also known as "Scottish Pompeii". According to archaeologists, the village was inhabited by 50 up to 100 people. The houses were connected to each other by tunnels.

It's not lace, it's carved from marble

Kailash Temple, India. Megalith carved from solid stone

Whale skeleton found in the middle of a rainforest on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

London-based sculptor Ron Muek has been sculpting since 1996. of the year. Using resin, fiberglass, silicone and many other materials, Muek creates hyper-realistic likenesses of people


The largest natural mirror in the world, El Salar de Uyuni

Library in Saudi Arabia

Never step into a puddle you don't know how deep

Incredible Japanese Maple

This body armor of the 1881 model, which was used in battle and received 18 bullet wounds

The Wall, U.S. Virgin Islands, is a 3.2 kilometer deep sheer cliff located just 274 meters from the shore

Dr. Porphyrakis is holding a model of the most expensive world of material that sells for $167 million per gram. This compound, N@C60, is a carbonaceous a cage-like structure resembling a soccer ball

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