"I filmed!": 20+ interesting pictures shared by netizens (35 photos)

Category: Fun
14 November 2022

Nowadays, in order to be a cool photographer, it is not Be sure to get an education and buy expensive equipment. It is enough to be able to see the beauty, to catch the moment and the right angle. On the Reddit forum has a community where ordinary netizens share with your photographs. This and unexpected funny moments that they managed to shoot in time, and beautiful landscapes and natural phenomena. Enjoy.

"There are still advantages to night shifts."


Snow and lanterns

Fireworks behind an old tree

Squirrel stole a fork with strawberries

Edinburgh castle in the fog

Building reflected in broken glass on the street

Frame in the subway

Tree in an abandoned bunker

The angle is our everything

Static electricity between fingers

falling comet

snowflake on glasses

On the other side of the neon sign

Two hikers in the Alps

"I took a picture of my wife with an aquarium on her head and a TV in the background"

inside the pepper

Between two lakes in South Australia

Railroad at sunset

Hsinbyume Pagoda in Myanmar

Glass ball on a sand dune

A man with a dog crosses the road in San Francisco

"I took a photo of a window with raindrops. It seems that this is a planet surrounded by stars"

Infinity of benches

Butterfly wing close up

Balloon. Bottom view

Frame from Iceland

A lamp is reflected in a cup of coffee

Parhelion (rainbow spot) in Alaska

Just a happy dog

Bridge to nowhere

Perfect Shadow

sunset in flight

Spider web at traffic lights

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