I'm a star! The policeman was surprised, detaining a blogger who entered the catering with a knife

Category: Video, Eyewitness
12 November 2022

Moscow blogger Yulia Maksimovskaya showed up in "Tasty, period!" with a knife in hand. This was immediately reported to the police by her subscribers. The police showed up at Maksimovskaya's house to clarify the circumstances. In the face of the policeman, the blogger began to shout that she was "actually a star." The reaction of the man deserves a standing ovation: the video shows the epic facepalm of a police officer after the blogger shouts "I'm a star!"

It all started with the fact that blogger Yulia Maksimovskaya went to "Tasty, period!" with a knife. She broadcast all this on Telegram. Subscribers immediately called a police squad in a cafe. The blogger was able to escape from them, but not for long.

Later, the police came to her home. Opening the door for them, the girl began to scream that she was a star. The facepalm of a policeman deserves special attention. We understand and support him: there is no other way to describe this situation.

It was established that at the time of the arrest she was intoxicated. A criminal case was initiated under the article "Hooliganism"

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