Ancient tunnel found in Egypt that could lead to Cleopatra's tomb

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
9 November 2022

Archaeologists working in Egypt believe they have found a tunnel leading to the long-lost tomb of Cleopatra. tunnel carved into rock, was discovered at a depth of 13 meters under the temple of Taposiris Magna, near the ancient capital of Alexandria. That's where it's supposed to be Cleopatra and her lover Mark Antony were buried.

The tunnel, which is called the "geometric miracle", extends almost 1500 meters, has a height of about two meters and, as they say it resembles the tunnel of Eupalinos on the Greek island of Samos, revered as one of the most important engineering structures of the classical peace.

Archaeologist Kathleen Martinez of the University of San Domingo over a decade years was convinced that the last Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra and her beloved Mark Antony were buried in the temple, and I am sure that the found tunnel may lead scientists to this discovery.

Perhaps a great discovery awaits somewhere at the end of this tunnel.

Temple of Taposiris Magna, whose name means "great tomb Osiris", located near the Egyptian city of Alexandria, which in ancient times was the capital of the country.

Experts believe that Cleopatra planned to bury himself and Antony in a temple called Taposiris Magna, in order to reproduce the ancient legend of Isis and Osiris

Martinez believes that there is a strong possibility that Cleopatra is buried there. And if so, then the discovery of the remains the last Egyptian pharaoh would be "the most important discovery of the 21st century".

Cleopatra ruled from 51 BC to 30 BC , up to the day his death. She was the queen of Egypt and the last and most famous of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Temple of Taposiris Magna, whose name means "great tomb Osiris, located near the ancient Egyptian capital of Alexandria. Pictured: Interior view south of the Temple of Osiris at Taposiris Magna.

Kathleen Martinez, who has worked at the Taposiris Magna Temple for over 15 years, previously told National Geographic: "Cleopatra negotiated with Octavian to allow her to bury Mark Antony in Egypt. She is wanted to be buried with him because she wanted to reproduce the legend of Isis and Osiris. The true meaning of the cult of Osiris is that he grants immortality. After their death, the gods would let Cleopatra live with Anthony in another form of existence so that they have eternal life together".

In the photo above, two mummies were found two years ago in a sealed tomb at Taposiris Magna, where excavations are ongoing to discover tomb of Cleopatra.

Martinez also discovered several important artifacts inside the temple, including including coins with images and names of Queen Cleopatra, Alexander the Great and a number of headless statues, as well as statues goddess Isis.

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