More than 100 koi fell victim to a voracious trespasser (6 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Animals
4 November 2022

68-year-old resident of the UK has long been interested in breeding Japanese ornamental carps. He had two wonderful pond, and a total of over 100 koi. But recently this The idyll has come to an end.

Kieran McCarthy, a retired teacher, said that for 25 years caring for koi. These are expensive ornamental fish from Japan, but he liked them very much and he liked to take care of them in a special equipped ponds on their site.

Of course, he was shocked when the fish began to disappear. This happened in within a few days. After he found the gutted carcass carp next to one of his ponds, Kieran realized that it was all his fault otter.

In the UK, otters are a protected species and are under protection of the law. In the 1960s, their population was almost destroyed due to use of pesticides. But now the otters are back because reservoirs have become cleaner, there are more fish in them, in general, live and enjoy. Alas, for Kieran McCarthy and other garden pond owners, the return of the otters like death. In his case the otter came to hunt every night of the days five in a row. This resulted in the death of 106 koi worth about 7,000 pounds sterling, the emptying of two ponds and the absolute inland desolation of their owner.

Merciless killer caught in the frame

The gluttonous animal was not stopped by the wire mesh that Kieran covered their ponds. The otter found a loophole anyway. According to the man, this not an animal, but a real machine for killing domestic fish.

“I have been fishing for 25 years, but I have never seen anything before like that,” McCarthy said. - I'm tired, angry and upset, but the otter does what an otter usually does. I spent £140 on wire mesh and spent all day in the pouring rain guarding the pond in the backyard".

Pond in the backyard - before and after

“I could not believe that we would see an otter in a built-up area. Authorities they told me that I should be glad that there were otters in my garden. But something doesn't make me happy. I used a flashlight to drive this creature away every night, but One day the flashlight didn't work. The otter just looked into my eyes and continued to do their dirty work.

Pond in the front yard

This is how a hobby to which a person gave 25 years, overnight turned into nothing. The fish died or were infected, the ponds had to be drained, and Kieran is not going to restore them. He says it's heavy labor and expensive pleasure. And it is unlikely that he will be able to go through all this. again. Especially considering such gluttonous guests as the one that came to him visited.

I'll have to find another hobby.

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