A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 137

4 February 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Ukrainian infantryman describes unusually close contact with confused Russians near Bakhmut

Successful attack on the orc trenches, first person view

Morning treats from Hymars

Training video on using a drone against orcs

Evacuation of civilians under mortar fire in Bakhmut

Excalibur vs Russian T89

Bright orange boat for transporting washing machines

Arrived clearly at the occupier

Tested the Kamaz of the Orks

Sniper job

The work of Ukrainian artillery

The SBU caught roosters from the FSB of the Russian Federation, who were “leaking” the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the enemy and recruiting new informants

One of them even joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, where he carried out reconnaissance and subversive activities against Ukraine, but he was exposed while trying to transfer classified data.

How much meat was thrown and the results of the attempt to break through

Couldn't hide

An Orc tank ends its career with a spectacular explosion....

Three-point shot from a drone

Ukrainian artillery strikes on the location of Russian troops in Bakhmut

Ukrainian drone drops cumulative grenades on Russian artillery and destroys it

Hit from a drone

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