A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the russian federation in Ukraine. Part 100

31 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

FV103 Spartan

Now break for photos

Attack of the trenches by a Ukrainian soldier, first-person view

The orc tried to throw a grenade, but it ricocheted off a tree and returned to the sender, and after a series of machine gun fire, the moron’s life ended completely.

There is a base, there is no base...

Buk-M1 are looking for a better place to shoot down mopeds

Video for Oryx with a light Baltic breeze. BMD and 2 infantry fighting vehicles

Video with explosions from Sevastopol where Russian warships are burning

None of the security forces officially confirms that Ukrainian special services may be behind the explosions in Sevastopol. But by coincidence, this morning a trolling photo and the text “It’s BAVOVNA o’clock!” were published on the pages of the SBU on social networks.

Video of downed Mi24

Incoming from kabzon

Demobilization of a Russian infantry fighting vehicle using a grenade

A Ukrainian-made kamikaze drone probed the dugout

Another victim of Excalibur

The order has been accepted and processed for the delivery of a grenade to the trench

Claimed as a BC warehouse and radio station

Declared as a composition with M-55 s tanks, from Slovenia

What's a burning orc without burning equipment?

Film footage from the front line. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are working

Beautiful ricochet of grenades into the bull's eye

Medical part of the war. Somewhere in the Liman-Svatovo area

Minus the truck with ammunition

Our T-64BM2 Bulat

At least five Russian 152-mm self-propelled artillery mounts 2S19M2 "Msta-SM2" were destroyed

In Novolubivka, Lugansk region

Well, why are they sitting here? We need to probe them with the help of drones.

Situation at the front

The occupier complains that HIMARS destroyed everything

The occupiers are so kind, they gave us weapons and surrendered

The occupiers wanted to leave quickly, but as usual, something went wrong

Another orc base is on fire

Another modern tank of the invaders, the T-90AM, follows the ship

Another destroyed and burned

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