Amazing air powered piston engines built from Lego bricks

31 October 2022

These air powered Lego piston engines are mesmerizing! They are built using Lego's own pneumatic pistons and even come in 12-cylinders.

A video report on the creation of air-driven engines from Lego parts has appeared on the Brick Technology channel. The motors are based on the pneumatic pistons available in the company's assortment. The author of the video starts with a primitive imitation of a single-cylinder engine, but in the end he builds a V8, and even an R12.

Amazing air powered piston engines built from Lego bricks
The designer's first experience was to force the pneumatic piston to rotate the wheel through a kind of crankshaft using a manual drive. After this basic design, he begins to install various superstructures, including gear complexes, pumps and air reservoirs as energy accumulators (their role is played by plastic bottles).

Then the author of the video experiments with the size of the air pistons and their design, the number of gears in improvised gearboxes and, finally, the number of cylinders themselves, moving from in-line engines to V-shaped ones. At the same time, if the V6 looks like a traditional engine, then the V8 on pneumatic pistons received a camber angle of 135 degrees. However, the culmination of the experiments was the construction of a radial 12-cylinder engine modeled on those previously used on aircraft.

Amazing air powered piston engines built from Lego bricks
Later it turned out that such motors are really capable of doing useful work - for example, generating some electricity to make an LED glow.

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