30 photos from real estate ads that you won’t look at without tears (31 photos)

Category: Fun
31 October 2022

Architects and designers are expected to have good taste... well or at least more or less tolerable. Alas! Sometimes it seems that these professionals have never seen how real people live. Some of them creative solutions lead to such idiotic interiors that even don't know whether to laugh or cry.

1. Cozy and, most importantly, affordable corner

2. "Not a bathroom, not a kitchen... It's WOW"

3. Wonders of parkour

4. Stop hundreds of thousands of you

5. When you are proud of all your achievements

6. We have a beach at home

7. Your first house in Sims

8. "Wash your hands," "don't forget to rinse off," "dry yourself"... This could be the home of an Alzheimer's influencer.

9. These are some kind of wrong bees ...

10. No questions, we take

11. And this bomb was definitely for a bath?

12. Measure once, cut seven times

13. Love, family, woolen cowboy

14. What is this, Chernobyl elephant leg?

15. Every time you turn off the light and turn it back on, the toilet gets a little closer.


16. And the worst thing is that he is also not in the center

17. Why stop at one style when you can pinch a little from each

18. They asked for a flat-screen TV, so please

19. No questions, take x2

20. Artificial waterfall, cuteness!

21. Extreme Space Saving

22. Small talk corner

23. When you want to call the boys for barbecue, but there is no cottage

24. Apparently, you have to guess which of them is waiting for a super prize

25. Here it is, the faience throne

26. Those who did not want to share toys with their sister go here.

27. Chronicles of the first days of the pandemic

28. Tell me you have a cat without saying you have a cat

img src="http://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/25/2598/142_files/cf6637423f8601ee3b0942b0efc804cc.jpg">

29. No one will notice

30. This is in case of a cold, what do you think?

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