And before they were the perfect couple: how the stars of rom-coms have changed (18 photos)

27 October 2022

On movie screens, love stories are always great - beautiful young actors make up a couple and delight the eye unchanged viewers for many, many years. But in reality, movie couples get old and do not always change in proportion.

When it became known that Tom Cruise would appear in the continuation of "Top Ghana", everyone remembered the actress Kelly McGillis, who played the beloved the main character in "Top Gun" in 1986. In the 1980s, she was a flamboyant beautiful star and embodied many rom-coms on the screen. But now, in unlike Tom Cruise, on the screen in the form of an object of someone's love, she does not appears.

In 1997, Julia Roberts and Rupert Everett played in romantic comedy "Best Friend's Wedding". The actress is still appears periodically in romantic stories such as "Eat, pray love" or the recent "Ticket to Heaven". And here's Rupert Everett, who also actively starred in the image of a lover, for a long time with this role said goodbye.

One of the brightest romantic comedies of the early 1990s was 1994 film "Lucky Chance" with Nicolas Cage and Bridget Fonda in main roles. The actress quit cinema after 10 years and became a housewife. Now it is generally difficult to recognize a slender movie star in her. And here's Nicholas Cage is still cool, as he recently successfully proved with the comedy The Unbearable the weight of a great talent."

Matthew Perry became famous thanks to the series "Friends" and subsequently actively starred in solo comedy films. Special success had a romantic comedy "Hurry up, make people laugh" in 1997, where he played a couple with Salma Hayek. His attractiveness is an actor for a long time lost, while the actress is still successfully playing the role of beautiful and desired women.

The stars of the film "Blast from the Past" 1999 Alicia Silverstone and Brendan Fraser both failed to keep the public interested in their personas in the 2000s. At the same time, the actress, although she lost her harmony, retained attraction. While Brendan Fraser fans barely recognize.

Andie MacDowell is one of the brightest rom-com stars of the 1990s. AT "Residence permit" in 1990, she starred in a couple with Gerard Depardieu. And although both of them have long moved away from love stories, Andie MacDowell much less changed than her plump partner.

In the erotic drama "Nine and a Half Weeks" 1997 Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke were lovely together. Now the actress, although ceased to be young, is still beautiful and desirable - it is no coincidence that she starred in the main erotic project of the 2010s "Fifty Shades darker". But Mickey Rourke has long ceased to be like that young a handsome man who was captured by the camera in the late 90s.

John Travolta is also far from being as slim and handsome as in years the beginning of his career, but if you compare him with his colleague in the film "Who would say "1989 Ellie Kirsty, it is obvious that a woman with age lost a lot more than he did.

Sandra Bullock has long surprised the public with her amazing the ability to practically not change externally. In 1995, she starred in romantic comedy While You Were Sleeping with Bill Pullman. And if compare how a man looked then and how he looks nownow, then the youthfulness and immutability of the actress becomes even more distinct.

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