How actors and actresses looked when they were the same age as their movie characters (13 photos)

18 October 2022

Quite often, actors play characters that, according to the script, are much younger than themselves. Sometimes you do not pay attention to this difference at all, but sometimes it spoils the impression of the film. We invite you to see how actually looked like actors and actresses when they were the same age, how many heroes they played.

Jennifer Lawrence - Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games

In the 1st part of the Hunger Games trilogy, the main character Katniss is 16 years. And she was played by 21-year-old Jennifer Lawrence. But did it like this skillfully, that the viewer did not notice the catch.

Kate Winslet - Marianne Dashwood, "Sense and Sensibility"

In the 1995 film adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense and feelings ”Kate Winslet got the role of the middle of the Dashwood sisters - Marianne. The heroine was 16 years old, while the actress herself was 20 years old.

Kirsten Dunst - Marie Antoinette, "Marie Antoinette"

During the filming of the biographical drama "Marie Antoinette" Kirsten Dunst was 24 years old. Nevertheless, the actress convincingly played the queen in different periods of her life, including in adolescence: at the beginning The film viewer was shown the 14-year-old Archduchess.

Anya Taylor-Joy - Beth Harmon, "The Queen's Move"

In 2020, the hit TV series The Queen's Move was released. AT it shows the childhood, adolescence and youth of the gifted chess players. And Anya Taylor-Joy, who played the lead role, is brilliant. portrayed the heroine both at a young and at a more mature age.

Blake Lively as Serena Celia van der Woodsen, "Gossip Girl"

The series Gossip Girl, which tells about New York schoolchildren, was so warmly received by the audience that he stayed on the air for 6 seasons. Blake Lively got one of the leading roles. Throughout the show the actress grew up with her heroine, although she was 4 years older than her.

Nicole Kidman - Satin, "Moulin Rouge!"

The enchanting musical by Baz Luhrmann was released in 2001. Nicole Kidman at that time was 33 years old, but she successfully coped with the role the luxurious dancer Satin, who should have been much younger.

Saoirse Ronan - Christine MacPherson, "Lady Bird"

The plot of the comedy drama is a 17-year-old high school student Christine, nicknamed Lady Bird. When the picture came out, Saoirse Ronan was 23 years old. For her work in the film, the actress was nominated for many prestigious awards, and a small age discrepancy is not prevented this.

Cole Sprouse - Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead), "Riverdale"

Cole Sprouse started acting in films as a child. But breakthrough in his career was the TV series Riverdale. In this youth drama, the 24-year-old the actor played the 16-year-old teenager Jughead.

Rose McIver - Lindsey Salmon, "The Lovely Bones"

The drama The Lovely Bones is about a 14-year-old girl who became a victim of a maniac. Saoirse Ronan embodied the main character on the screen, and the role of her younger sister Lindsey went to Rose McIver, who at the time of filming was 21 years old.

Lily Collins - Rosie Dunn, "Love, Rosie"

Lily Collins was also not difficult to reincarnate as a student high school in the comedy Love, Rosie. At the beginning of the film, the main The characters are under 18 years of age. At the time of the release of the comedy, the actress was 25, but she looked very organic in the image of a schoolgirl.

Matt Damon - Scott Thorson, "Behind the Candelabra"

In the biographical drama Behind the Candelabra, Matt Damon committed almost impossible - brilliantly reincarnated as an 18-year-old trainer Scott Thorson, being 25 years older than the hero.

Julia Roberts - Elizabeth Gilbert, "Eat Pray Love"

In mainmemoir of the romantic drama Eat Pray Love writer Elizabeth Gilbert. According to the plot, the heroine traveling around the world, 34 years old. And the charming Julia Roberts, who embodied the character on screen, was 43 at the time of filming.

Audrey Hepburn - Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany's

In the center of the plot of the romantic comedy "Breakfast at Tiffany's" - charming playgirl 19-year-old Holly Golightly. BUT Charming Audrey Hepburn was in her early 30s at the time of filming.

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