A selection of culinary tragedies (18 photos)

Category: Food
27 October 2022

Who cooks better: boy or girl? Some will say the best chefs in the world are men, therefore, the palm belongs to them. And others are sure that women cook better, because most of them take care of and cook for their family all their lives, trying to cook for them something tasty. But there are comrades in the world who need the kitchen stay away. For them, even cooking scrambled eggs can turn into a real culinary tragedy. And such guys are found among guys as well as women.

My dough has turned into a monster that wants to get free

All Time Classic: The Forgotten Boiled Eggs

My favorite knife was broken on a leek

Wings with crispy crust

I just wanted to add a little salt...

Forgot my spaghetti with mushrooms in the microwave for a week. Now it's a fluffy lump of mold!

My girlfriend tried to heat up a can of Nutella in the microwave.

It was supposed to be purple lemonade...

Decided to bake waffles for my husband's birthday for the first time

I put the kettle on the stove and started watching the show, only after 30 minutes later I remembered that the kettle must have been boiled long ago.

"Lucky of the Year"

The bottom of the pan fell off, and with it it spilled all over the kitchen 6 liters of hot pineapple juice. Now she'll be sticky to the end life!

Turning away from the stove while cooking when you live in the same house with a cat is an unforgivable mistake.

She closed the dishwasher, and then the cabinet made small adjustments, deciding to break everything around

The girl stood behind the stove for more than one hour, then the lid cracked

The same case when you got out of bed in the morning, but didn’t have time to wake up to the end

Someone left their footprints at the crime scene

hot spaghetti

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