17 lucky people who came across unique finds (16 photos)

25 October 2022

We always notice something interesting and unusual when we travel to new places. But unfortunately we're going on a trip not as often as I would like. It's good that there are ubiquitous users, who share their amazing findings. Take a look!

The world's largest tortoise that roamed South America 10 million years ago: Stupendemys Geographicus

Giant lenticular cloud over Mount Fuji

Flounder fry with excellent camouflage

Amazing underground cave complex deep in the forests Guangxi, China. It is 306 meters long and 150 meters wide. Dense vegetation at the bottom reaches almost human height and is a kind of oasis

World's oldest mask: 9,000 year old artifact

This is graffiti with 3D effect, Spain

Extremely rare melanistic serval cat

The oldest hotel in the world is the Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Japan, which has been in operation since 705 AD. It's family business, for 52 generations

One of the Moai statues on Easter Island, which was cut out, but never installed. Its height would be 21 meters, and weight - more than 2 Boeing 737 aircraft

The Golden Bridge is located in Vietnam, near the city of Da Nang, in the Wah Wah mountain range.

Tree kangaroo looks like a toy

Head of the Night King from Game of Thrones carved from a watermelon

Dalian, China

140-million-year-old dinosaur femur weighing 500 kg discovered in France

Colorful lava rocks near Hengifoss waterfall, East Iceland

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