The joy of the mushroom picker: people went to pick mushrooms, but found real mushroom treasures (17 photos)

Category: Nature
20 October 2022

Mushroom season is in full swing. And it is worth recognizing that the collection mushrooms is the most popular hobby in many countries. As well as very exciting! It's always nice to come home with a rich mushroom catch. and take a couple of pictures, friends to envy. And the authors of these pictures found real mushroom treasures. Let's see.

The most valuable find of our yesterday's walk is the blue milky

Despite its specific coloration, the fungus is completely edible. It can be found in markets in Mexico and Guatemala.

The perfect hat? No, just a giant tinder fungus

This is the biggest lethiporus I have ever found.

Massive boletus

My first mushroom!

My wife and I found a royal boletus

Giant fly agaric. Even if it is inedible, it is very beautiful.

Lucky to find a huge mushroom called lion's head

Sponge-like fungus found in Virginia forests

This miracle is called the common liverwort. The mushroom is safe for humans and edible.

Here is a find!

The other day I found a massive ganoderma

Found these beauties while walking.

Giant mushroom species Macrocybe titans⁠⁠

Under such a mushroom, you can easily hide from the sun and rain.

My best find this summer

A resident of China found an edible giant

A resident of the Chinese province of Yunnan discovered a giant group mushrooms, whose weight was 50 kilograms. Researchers from the Academy of Sciences confirmed that the find is edible. However, local residents wished to pick the mushroom for the purpose of its further cooking. They even fenced him off. fence to protect from visitors who would still not be vs. try a piece.

For the first time I was able to collect so many mushrooms

Trophy raincoat for eight kilograms

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