In England, environmental activists staged a milk protest in stores

17 October 2022
While some are scared of the approaching global famine, others are actively destroying food in the name of "saving animals."

English eco-activists from the Animal Revolt group are sure that only vegetarianism will save the world. But in addition to calls not to eat meat, they also demand to stop "raping cows." According to them, the process of milking a cow is tantamount to violence.

To draw attention to this "problem" they decided to hold protests against ... milk.

Promotions were held in Waitrose, Whole Foods and Marks and Spencer stores in London, Manchester, Norwich and Edinburgh

Eco-activists believe that by pouring milk on the floor of stores, they are making Prime Minister Liz Truss and Ranil Jayawarden (Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) think about the wrongness of their policy towards building a bright “grass-eating” future for the country.

We have no doubt that England's malnourished cows, Liz Truss and shopkeepers have appreciated the efforts of the activists and now England's transition to a "sustainable plant-based diet" will go at an accelerated pace.
1 comment
22 October 2022
Я не против акций. Но такие действия меня раздражают, это вандализм.
Я против такого проявления свинства и неуважение труда к работе окружающих. Это не акция протеста - это позор протестующих. Надеюсь, убирали они сами.
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