Angela Lansbury died - star of the series "She Wrote Murder" (7 photos)

17 October 2022

The theater, film and television actress was 96 years old.

According to Lansbury's relatives, she died in her sleep at home in Los Angeles. Her 97th birthday was only a few days away.

"Angela Lansbury's children are sad to report that their mother is peacefully passed away in her sleep at her home in Los Angeles at 1:30am this Tuesday, October 11, ”the relatives said.

The actress was born on October 16, 1925 in London. She did not live five days before her 97th birthday.

Lansbury received the Golden Globe Award six times (1946, 1963, 1985, 1987, 1990, 1992), including Best Actress in television series Murder, She Wrote in 1992. eighteen times Lansbury was nominated for an Emmy and three more times for an Oscar. AT In 2014, she received the so-called honorary Oscar, which is awarded for outstanding contribution to the development of cinema and for services to American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. actress five once awarded the highest American theatrical Tony Award.

In Murder, She Wrote, Lansbury played a widowed detective writer Jessica Fletcher. Actress heroine assisted the police in investigating murders. The series aired on CBS. from 1984 to 1996, it consisted of 12 seasons and 264 episodes.

Lansbury has been acting in films since the 1940s, in 2018 her the latest film "Buttons". However, she continued to work as an actress dubbing. The actress voiced Mrs. Potts in the animated film "Beauty and monster" and Empress Maria Feodorovna in the cartoon "Anastasia".

Among the famous projects of the actress are the series "Lace" (1984), "Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris" (1992), "Little Women" (2017), films "Gaslight" (1944), "The Picture of Dorian Gray" (1945), "Manchurian Candidate (1962), Head and Broom (1971), Death on the Nile (1978), "My Terrible Nanny" (2005) and others.

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