This is a fiasco: a selection of photos of people whose luck ended at the wrong time (19 photos)

Category: Fun
17 October 2022

An amazing place, the side of the road - sometimes it's like a portal to another world where, it would seem, real treasures, abandoned and all forgotten, just collecting dust and patiently waiting for new owners. And judging by to the Roadside Finds community, a bunch of lucky ones are coming back from this magical world with trophies: for example, antique chests with vintage vinyl records, sumptuous sideboards, paintings and — yes, even brand new motorcycles.

1. "I'm running along an old dirt road. They throw out all kinds of garbage. One day I stopped and found a box of money"

"All envelopes are from different countries of the world. Most of the notes are dated 1700-1900s. The oldest is a coin from 1621. Some of countries that no longer exist

2. "The cutest roadside find: IKEA doll bed for my cat. He seems to be happy."

3. "Today I grabbed a motorcycle for free. Clean documents, on the go"

4. "The boss got rid of unnecessary things from the house mother and brought them with a sign "Free" to the meeting room. There was in mostly rubbish, apart from those original Dali etchings"

5. "Before and after, a buffet that I found among the trash"

6. "Vintage handmade bar!"

7. "Removed layers of old paint and rust from this mid-century modern table"

8. "I rarely watch TV, but when I do, it's from the side of the road. Fully working Sony 4k TV. Thank the curb gods."

9. "A chest of drawers found on the side of the road... With a fresh coat of paint!"

10. "I found this cradle-airplane on our street. I going to sand and paint it as a gift to my godson for his first birthday!"

12. "The find of the century? Kitchen Aid Professional 5 Plus mixer with attachments and it works!"

13. "Sewing machine 1922"

14. "Found this hottie sticking out of a trash can. Stopped to look, the owner of the house came out and gave me a box so I could pick him up"

15. "Not exactly from the curb, but this is what someone left in the trash room at my house."

16. "I immediately turned the car around. If there weren't a sign saying" free ", I would have thought that I was stealing"

17. "Someone nearby posted a message about the find on curbside, and I found two mid-century modern chest of drawers on the corner. I still not overwhelmed"

18. "Get this handsome guy for free! Stood outside a thrift store because they didn't think they could sell him"

19. "Found this cedar chest a few days ago"

20. "Someone's mom seems tired of stepping on LEGOs"

21. "Found the packageYou can concentrate as much as you like to avoid ridiculous troubles, but if they are destined to happen, they still replay. True, it's a shame when this happens even in the most ordinary situations.

You can console yourself at this moment with only one thought: we are on this the planet is clearly not alone. At least the next one photos with abruptly ended luck is proof of this.

Don't forget that the sandwich always falls butter side down.

When you are waiting for cooking, but you forget about the most important thing

When you're trying to rip off that annoying little thread

Before the treasured delivery of the cargo, only 50 meters were not enough. This is what true bad luck looks like

"Explosive" ketchup

Might have to be patient today.

Attempt to clean the window went wrong

Who is unlucky for sure is the one who dropped the satellite, the repair of which will cost $ 135 million

Do not bring computer accessories with a barbecue

What could be worse than a house that collapsed on your car? Collapsed on your car is your own house

Before turning on the oven, it is important to check if there is anything inside

You should not ask men to rearrange your flowers, especially if they are your favorite.

Didn't eat, but at least washed

Volcano textures didn't load...

Like the Grand Canyon

7 liters of washer instead of engine oil? Easily. And what did it lead to

When I wanted to propose to a girl, but made a gopher, into whose hole a ring fell

The cake clearly had other birthday plans.

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