A selection of videos with prisoners and those killed in Ukraine. Issue 24

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
3 October 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

And we have a minute of musical pause from the separatists

The second army of the world in its underworld as it is

Still broken positions of the occupiers

The Russians immediately told us you are cannon fodder

Didn't have time to get out of the cauldron

New captured occupiers undergo rapid training on a range of geopolitical and historical issues

We retreated to more advantageous positions and regrouped, so to speak.

Another video of the 200th occupier

Be careful, the video contains profanity

Another prisoner who forgot to cancel his contract extension

The captured Russian occupier told everything about Kadyrov's TikTokers

Waifs were lost during the assault in Yampol

Principled prisoner

Drobyshevo district, we are waiting for a reserve of orcs

Rashist in stolen underpants

Russians who became good

Tourists are lying

This is the occupier's luck these days. If you get captured by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, they will also give you a cigarette.

Chet is depressed

We stormed and stormed and were already tired

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