A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 33

30 August 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The 109th regiment of militants from ORDLO and parts of the paratroopers of the Russian Armed Forces retreated from the lines they occupied in the Kherson region

The operational group of troops "Kakhovka" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reports that the "109th regiment" of militants from ORDLO and parts of the paratroopers of the Russian Armed Forces retreated from the lines they occupied in the Kherson region.

BMP 3 has been pumped up. Now he is fighting for Ukraine

The Ukrainian Armed Forces broke through the first line of defense of the invaders in the Kherson region

Taras Chmut from the “Turn Around Alive” foundation, as well as tg-channels of the Kherson region are announcing good news. Soon the occupiers will have a new song: “I don’t really want to leave Kherson, it’s so homely here”

Somewhere in the vicinity of Kharkov, Russians get a slap in the face

Children set fire to a model of a military vehicle in the Voronezh region

The fire occurred as a result of “playing with fire.” Does this already fall under the category of recognizing children as terrorists or does it only tend to discredit the army?

For all the bad that the Russian world brought us

In the southern direction, Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers turned the invaders into mincemeat

Our T-64BM2 tanks are going to attack Russia

German high-precision missile SMArt 155 destroyed a Russian tank

The next trophies near Bakhmut. With full tank and BC

It immediately caught my eye that the tank's rollers and some armor elements were painted white. And then it turned out that the mileage was almost zero, although the car itself was not new. So this is a kind of indicative ceremonial specimen. Which may indicate that the occupiers are scooping up everything they can and everything they can ride.

We say hello to the orcs and send them in the right direction

Clearing a field with an Orc tank

Trophies from the Kherson direction

After they fucked up the bridges in Kherson and ours broke through the first line of defense, the pigs began to use a new tactic - “suitcase-station-Russia”.

Kherson direction, video from our heroes

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