A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 182

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this in a new selection.

Native Tasmanian Fanny Cochrane Smith sings into a phonograph in 1903

Sabina Cibichi, a Kenyan athlete who won the 1973 barefoot and dress

In October 1943, Ottla Kafka, the beloved sister of the writer Franz Kafka, volunteered to accompany orphans from the Terezin ghetto to the Auschwitz concentration camp so that they would not be afraid. She was gassed immediately upon arrival

Dance teacher Patsy Swayze (center) with her daughter-in-law Lisa Niemi and son Patrick Swayze, 1978

In memory of father

First interracial marriage in Mississippi, 1970

Marilyn Monroe without makeup, 1955 year

Barack Obama in a pirate costume with his mother Stanley Ann, 1960s

Actress Jane Russell paints a portrait of Marilyn Monroe during a break from filming Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 1953

A sailor sees his child for the first time after fourteen months at sea, 1940s

A girl from Luzon Island, Philippines

London, 1940, a girl with a doll among the ruins of a house

Dorothy Counts - the first black student accepted to a white school, 1957

A girl from Oaxaca, Mexico, noticed that she was being photographed, 1985

Gertrude Ederle became the first woman to swim across the English Channel, August 26 1926

Girlfriends on the beach, 1940s

A child in a monkey mask, 1920s

In Arviat, Nunavut (Northern Canada), an Inuit woman descends into an igloo, 1949

Princess of Egypt and Queen of Iran Fawzia Fuad, 1939

112-year-old Teimuraz Vanacha, a veteran of World War I and the Civil War, with his son Ivan, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, 1980

1 comment
10 February 2025
1 947 comments
"112-річний Теймураз Ванача, ветеран Першої світової війни та Громадянської війни, зі своїм сином Іваном, ветераном Великої Вітчизняної війни, 1980"
Якої, бл* вЕЛИКОЇ вІДЧИЗНЯНОЇ скажіть ще що друга світова війна почалась 1941 а не 1939.
Перевіряйте кацапський контент хоча б, а не тупо перекладайте
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