A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 147

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this is in the new selection.

Photographers have always tried to preserve important moments in life for posterity. Thanks to such people, we have the opportunity to see events that happened relatively recently or a century ago. In this post you will see shots from the past that will not leave anyone indifferent.

1. The first beauty contest in the USSR, 1988

2. Ovitz - the only family to fully survive the Auschwitz death camp where Dr. Mengele conducted experiments, 1950

3. Policeman John Shuttleworth standing during flooding in Cambridge, Ontario, 1974

4. Australasian Antarctic Expedition scientist Harold Hamilton with a sea lion skeleton, 1913

5. Hell's Mines during the Brazilian Gold Rush

6. Textile factory worker, USSR, 1960

7. Trail from a kamikaze plane, 1945

8. 100 years ago, citizens took to the streets of Antwerp a few hours after the Germans surrendered and the end of the First World War, Belgium, November 11, 1918

9. Soviet soldiers shooting at enemy planes, 1943

10. Famous French impressionist painter Claude Monet stands on a bridge with a visitor in his garden in Giverny, France, 1922

11. "Man-fly" George Willig climbs the South Tower of the World Trade Center in 1977

After completing the climb in 3.5 hours, he was arrested at the top after signing a few autographs and was fined $1.10 by the city—a penny for each floor climbed.

12. Poor man running behind George V's carriage, Great Britain, 1920

13. Girls making Molotov cocktails during the Battle of the Bogside, Ireland, 1969. This event began riots in Northern Ireland

14. Michael Jackson driving an electric car during an event for orphans at Neverland Ranch, 1994

15. Frank Hurley photographer in a coastal cave on the shores of Commonwealth Bay, 1911

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