Black German Shepherd (16 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
1 April 2019

The black German Shepherd with its noble bearing, intelligent look and shiny iridescent coat cannot but evoke admiring glances. These delightful dogs have proven themselves to be excellent watchdogs, brave police officers and simply loyal, faithful companions and friends for loving and caring owners.

History and description of the black German shepherd breed

In 1906, at the annual dog show, the palm was given to a representative of the German Shepherd breed named Roland von Stankerburg. The exclusivity of the winner lay in its unusual completely black coat color and journalists, and even some experts, hastened to announce to the public the appearance of a completely new breed of dog.

But black German Shepherds are not a separate breed, as many fans of these animals believe. In fact, dogs with a uniform charcoal-black coat color have the same name as other representatives of this breed, although they differ from their relatives in a unique color.

Black shepherd dogs are considered very rare and the fact that few people know about them is due to the fault of the breeders themselves who breed these dogs. When forming the breed, only standard animals with a classic two-color color (black and yellow or black and gray) were selected for breeding work. Dogs with a solid black coat color were considered a deviation from generally accepted standards and were not allowed to be bred.

Over time, experts realized their mistake and tried to change the situation by crossing representatives with black hair with each other or with two-colored shepherd dogs, but they were unable to achieve the desired result. Only 3% of puppies inherit the monochromatic dark color of both or one of the parents, the rest of the puppies have a standard color.

It is noteworthy that all German Shepherds are carriers of a recessive gene responsible for their black color. Therefore, when mating two dogs with a classic color, their litter will contain completely black puppies.

Important: Australians are very fond of black German shepherds, and Australia has the largest number of representatives of this breed with such a unique color. Although in the last century, individuals with black fur were banned in this country, as they were considered evil and aggressive animals.

Distinctive external features of black shepherds

Black German Shepherds differ from their ordinary tribesmen not only in their color. Basically, the appearance of all representatives of this breed is almost the same, but there are some differences.

Distinctive features of black shepherds:

- these dogs are slightly larger than their standard relatives. The height of males can reach from 60 to 68 centimeters, they weigh 45-50 kilograms. The height of females is 55-60 centimeters, weight does not exceed 40 kilograms;

- the back of black shepherds is straight, not convex;

-dogs with black color have longer and silkier hair;

-unlike ordinary ones, black German Shepherds in most cases have a luxurious mane on the back of the head and chest.

Black German Shepherd: character and behavioral characteristics

The main life goal of a German Shepherd is to serve its owner, and the Black Shepherd is no exception. The devotion and loyalty of these dogs knows no bounds and they are ready to defend their beloved owner even at the cost of their own lives.

Shepherd dogs with a black color have intelligence and intelligence, thanks to which they can make their own decisions. These magnificent animals are distinguished by their balanced and calm character, so the dog will never bark for no reason or attack random passers-by. But, if the pet decides that the owner is in danger, then he will react to the potential threat with lightning speed, without even waiting for a special command.

Black German Shepherds are extremely affectionate to their owner and require his constant attention. You cannot leave your pet alone for a long time. After all, from separation from its beloved owner, the dog experiences severe shock and stress, becomes depressed and may even die from melancholy. To prevent the shepherd from getting bored in the absence of its owner, it is advisable to entrust it with a responsible task, for example, guarding the territory or looking after a small child. By carrying out an assignment, the animal will be distracted from parting with the owner and will feel needed and useful.

Representatives of the German breed with black color have proven themselves especially well in the service of the police and border troops. Compared to ordinary shepherd dogs, they have a more aggressive character, and they have no equal in catching criminals. These dogs do an excellent job of detecting and, with special training, help police officers search for drugs or explosives. But black shepherds are not suitable as guide dogs, as they are too energetic and active and need to constantly move.

German Shepherds get along well with other pets, so there is no reason to fear for the life of a cat or other dog. The handsome black cat perceives other pets as members of a large and friendly family, and will consider it his duty to guard and protect small creatures. These animals are kind and patient with children, and a better bodyguard for a child than a black German shepherd cannot be found.

Black German Shepherd puppies

With the arrival of a black puppy in the house, owners will have to forget about peace and quiet. An inquisitive and mischievous baby will not be able to sit still for a minute and, without knowing fatigue, will explore every corner, both in the house and in the surrounding area. Interestingly, black puppies mature more slowly than their regular-colored counterparts, so the owner should not be surprised if his two-year-old pet plays and gets up to mischief like a young puppy.

In the process of getting to know its surroundings, the little pet will not only sniff every object, but also taste it, leaving traces of its teeth on the wooden legs of chairs, on the rug in the bathroom and, of course, on the owner’s shoes. If a playful baby has disappeared from sight for a long time, this is a reason for the owner to be wary, because it is likely that the pet has torn the sofa cushion and is now “bathing” in feathers or gnawing on the TV remote control with gusto. To prevent your puppy from spoiling things, you should provide him with a variety of toys and special chewing bones.

Black German Shepherd puppies are friendly and sociable and are not aggressive towards other pets. If an adult cat lives in the house, the pet will try to make friends with it, attracting it to play together. The puppy will attack the cat, bite its tail, and only a scratched nose after such fun will make him give up his intentions to establish a friendly relationship with the furry animal. But the puppy will quickly find a common language with a small kitten, and in a few days the four-legged friends will be playing pranks and pranks together.

Important: the owner needs to devote a lot of time to raising a black puppy, teaching him discipline, otherwise the mature dog will not consider it necessary to obey the owner and unquestioningly carry out his commands.

Maintenance and care

The black German Shepherd is as undemanding and unpretentious in maintenance as ordinary representatives of this breed. Dogs are able to adapt to any living conditions and will feel comfortable both in an apartment and in a private house.

But do not forget that, despite the thick, dense wool, these animals do not tolerate drafts and dampness. Therefore, if the owner plans to keep a pet in an enclosure, then he must ensure that it is dry and warm. It is best to equip the enclosure on a small podium so that water does not flow into the dog’s home during rains or melting snow.

Rules for caring for a shepherd:

-As for caring for the coat of a black pet, it is enough to brush the dog once a week. But during periods of shedding, when the animal undergoes an intensive change of undercoat, the combing procedure will have to be carried out every day;

- Shepherd dogs are bathed infrequently - once every few months. Moreover, experts do not recommend using soap or shampoos for water procedures, as they make the dark, luxurious fur of dogs become dull and brittle;

- regularly inspect the inner surface of the pet’s ears, cleaning them from dirt and wax with a soft cloth or napkin;

-dogs' nails are trimmed at least once a month.

To keep your pet healthy and active, he needs daily walks and physical activity. It is also necessary to engage in training and education with the dog several times a week and devote time to playing and having fun together.

Diet of Black German Shepherds

Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition of animals. You can feed your pets both natural food and dry food intended for large breeds of dogs.

Ready-made dry food for black German shepherds must be of high quality, so economy-class food is absolutely not suitable for feeding them.

If the owner prefers natural food, then the main food product should be fresh lean meat and offal.

Supplement the diet with fresh or boiled vegetables, herbs, cereals and dairy products.

You cannot feed dogs potatoes, pasta, flour products and food seasoned with salt and spices.

To make the coal-black coat of shepherds shiny and rich in dark color, it is recommended to include fish oil and dried seaweed in their menu.

Important: during active physical activity, dogs’ stomachs shift to the side, so they should be fed after, and not before, a walk, otherwise the animals may have digestive problems.

Black German Shepherd puppy price

Representatives of the German breed with this color are considered rare and valuable, so the future owner will have to pay a considerable amount for a black baby.

A black German Shepherd puppy costs between seven hundred and two thousand dollars. The price of a dog depends on the availability of all the necessary documents, pedigree history and coat length (individuals with long silky hair are several times more expensive).

Important: in newborn black babies, the color may change over time, and whether the dog will have a black color will become clear only when the puppy reaches two months of age. Therefore, you should buy a pet when it is at least eight weeks old.

The black German Shepherd is not only an ideal guard, but a faithful and loving friend who will never betray and will not hesitate to give his life to protect the owner.

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