How do they reproduce after killing ticks? (5 photos + 1 video)

21 May 2018

For some reason, the more the grass is scorched, the more and more ticks there are. The more there are, the more grass they burn. If there is an enemy, then “we will defeat, destroy the enemy.” If the pincers had the cunning minds of politicians, they would rejoice, because we are really smashing and destroying the enemy. The enemy of the tick.

There is such a terrible folk pastime - grassfinger. A monstrous mockery of nature and those whose hut is on the edge. In villages, the outer houses are the first to burn. And in half the cases - from grass.

After burning out the old grass, the area is easier to cultivate, there is such a thing. But there is no such grass on their plots, because they are weeded out and mowed down, and the neighbors will not forgive, because many people remember village fires that engulfed house after house, despite the little men running around with buckets of water. You can set the meadow on fire. There is just as much fun, and the action is completely anonymous. If anyone sees it, we can say that the weed seeds were destroyed so that they would not fly into the gardens, or that the ticks were tortured.

But the weed seeds themselves have been plowed into the ground for decades, and they will germinate for more than one or ten years, even if you cover the entire area with asphalt. It's even more interesting with ticks. For some reason, the more the grass is scorched, the more and more ticks there are. The more there are, the more grass they burn. If there is an enemy, then “we will defeat, destroy the enemy.” If the pincers had the cunning minds of politicians, they would rejoice, because we are really smashing and destroying the enemy. The enemy of the tick.

Ticks are food. Birds, lizards, frogs, dragonflies, wasps, spiders, ground beetles, ants - all eagerly seek out ticks.

1. Will the bird look for a tick on the scorched earth?

2. Will a toad climb into the ashes?

3. How far can a lizard run from fire?

4. And will the spider escape?

5. How many years after the arson will the ants decide to build an anthill?

6. Where will dragonflies find constantly wet tall grass to lay their eggs, and what did they forget above the dead ground?

7. What about ground beetles? This is genocide against them.

Hairy beetle Lagria hirta with the mite Trombidium holosericeum in its “teeth”:

Hunterellus hookeri Howard

Fire purifies everything. Fungal spores die.

Ticks die en masse from fungal diseases. But kind people come to the rescue and burn out the fungal spores that were previously waiting for ticks on every old blade of grass. And the new grass comes out of the ground almost sterilely clean, and for the tick it is like fresh linen on the bed. Thanks man! The grateful tick is looking forward to kissing you passionately for saving his countless descendants from the most terrible fungal epidemics.

Ticks, of course, also die in the fire. But which ones?

Healthy active ticks deftly catch rides and ride around on dogs and people, snacking on whatever God sent them. And those in which Hunterellus hookeri Howard laid its eggs burn in the fire. There is such a nice rider. And already in 1940, thanks to Professor D.I. Blagoveshchensky, it was reliably known that this rider was looking for the ixodid tick to raise offspring (


The arsonist is happy that the tick burned. He hasn’t read the book, although he is literate, so he doesn’t know that he killed fifty riders with a tick. This means that in the coming years there will be no one to specifically look for ixodid ticks in the grass, and they will be able to lay 17 thousand eggs in the ground in a safe environment. Fire, burning grass, does not harm tick eggs. Only those who like to eat these eggs disappear.

In one of the medical centers there were posters on the stand calling for vaccination against encephalitis. It also talked about measures to combat ticks and suggested removing weeds along roads and in parks. Actually, mites have no concept of “weeds”, and they feel great on flowers and bushes. Should I delete them too? In the information at the stand, the topic of death from a bite was developed so convincingly that I went to find out the price of vaccination. A thousand rubles, but there are better and more expensive vaccines. If I trust free medicine (the intonation suggested that only the very stupid trust it), then maybe I can get vaccinated for free at my clinic or at the regional SES.

I inquired about the mortality rate from encephalitis. In the center of Russia it fluctuates somewhere around one percent of the number of cases. The percentage of tick vectors is approximately the same. It was not difficult to calculate the probability of death from encephalitis in the event of a bite. The mood has noticeably improved. The forecast of Rospotrebnadzor for 2013 was also met: approximately 2 people fell ill per hundred thousand population. With statistics like these, the sale of vaccinations will not become a thriving industry anytime soon. But if in the city you diligently trim the vegetation and do not give the natural enemies of the tick any chance to survive, and outside the city you welcome grass and agricultural chemicals, then a golden age will dawn for ticks...

Administrative liability has been established for fallen grass. Individuals pay from 500 rubles to 3 thousand, organizations - up to 100 thousand. But there are no video cameras in an open field, and there is no fine for every abandoned bull. So we can assume that there was no legal liability. It would be better if the same responsibility was established for mowing grass in cities more than one and a half meters from the paths, unless it is a special lawn fully serviced by real specialists.

Each female tick is capable of leaving 17 thousand eggs in the ground.

The destruction of well-balanced natural complexes in the city and beyond will force the entire population to undergo unsafe vaccinations and hide the entire earth under impenetrable coverings. And yet the tick will find the gap. That is, you will also have to poison yourself with poisons. A terrifying prospect. And let's keep it in mind, and not brush it aside as alarmist fantasies, because in the near future we are carrying out enormous educational work so that no old person or teenager's conscience would allow them to set fire to the grass or walk past a burning one, or get used to tick-borne encephalitis and Borelliosis is like a runny nose, and we all become carriers of these diseases. Something pulls me toward exaggeration. But it wouldn’t turn out that today’s exaggerations are baby talk compared to tomorrow’s disaster...

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