The husky imitated the owner's facial expression very closely (15 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
11 February 2018

The Briton showed pictures of himself and his husky, in which the dog’s facial expression is very similar to his facial expression. This is how a mini-flash mob of owners and their pets began on Twitter, who wanted to prove that they were not only kindred spirits, but also almost twins.

A guy named Liam Rice lives on the Isle of Man, which is part of the UK. He works for an animal protection organization, and naturally he has a pet himself. He and his husky, Luna, often spend entire days at the beach.

Liam recently decided to take some selfies with his dog, but noticed that she somehow imitated him too closely.

It wasn't just one photo

Liam's post quickly went viral, gaining almost 700 thousand retweets and likes. Moreover, in the replies to his post, the owners of other huskies also began to post similar photos. It seems that this is how the world learned that huskies are very good at imitating.

But it turned out that almost all breeds are capable of this.

Taking a selfie with a dog is not an easy task in itself. But when this selfie also reflects how much she looks like you, this is generally the height of skill.

And there are those who are ready to do anything to be like their pet.

The cats also lit up, we must at least somehow maintain authority

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