The sexiest men from 1990 to 2017: who are they? (77 photos)

24 November 2017
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Every year, the famous People magazine awards one lucky guy the title of “Sexiest Man in the World.” The chosen one of People journalists must be famous, handsome and distinguished by decent behavior: not be involved in racist or sexist scandals, and do charity work. Let's take a look at how the ideal of a sexy man has changed over the past quarter century!

1990 - Tom Cruise

1991 - Patrick Swayze

1992 - Nick Nolte

1995 - Brad Pitt

1996 - Denzel Washington

1997 - George Clooney

1998 - Harrison Ford

1999 - Richard Gere

2000 - Brad Pitt

2001 - Pierce Brosnan

2002 - Ben Affleck

2003 - Johnny Depp

2004 - Jude Law

2005 - Matthew McConaughey

2006 - George Clooney

2007 - Matt Damon

2008 - Hugh Jackman

2009 - Johnny Depp

2010 - Ryan Reynolds

2011 - Bradley Cooper

2012 - Channing Tatum

2013 - Adam Levine

2014 - Chris Hemsworth

2015 - David Beckham

2016 - Dwayne Johnson

2017 - Blake Shelton

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