98-Year-Old Mother Moves into Nursing Home to Care for Her 80-Year-Old Son (5 Photos)

31 October 2017

A 98-year-old woman moved into a nursing home after she felt her 80-year-old son needed more care and support.

Ada Keating decided that she should join her son Tom, who has been living in a nursing home in Huyton (UK) since 2016.

Tom was never married, having lived almost inseparably with his mother all this time; at home they spent time playing various games or watching the soap opera Emmerdale Farm.

Ada says: “Every evening I wish Tom “Good night”, and when I wake up I say “Good morning”. Don’t forget to tell him I’m going to breakfast.”

“When I go out to the barbers, he looks for me to see when I return. When I return, he greets me with open arms to receive a hug. You never stop being a mom."

Tom says: “I feel very good here and I’m glad to see my mother more often, because she now lives here. She looks after me well. Sometimes she tells me: “Behave.”

Ada and her late husband Harry had four children in total - Tom, Barbara, Margie and Janet, who died at the age of 13.

Until his retirement, Tom was a painter and decorator. Ada worked as a nurse.

Ada's granddaughter Debi Higham and other members of their family, frequent visitors to the Paige Moss Lane care home, say they are happy Ada and Tom can be together again. “It’s good that they don’t break up. We are encouraged that they are receiving proper care at all times, 27 hours a day, 7 days a week,” says Debi.

The employees of the institution are also not against the fact that mother and son live together; in addition, they are amazed at how strong their connection is and with what trepidation they treat each other.

1 comment
2 December 2017
история конечно трогательная ... но пожалуйста исправьте опечатку <ас обнадеживает то, что они постоянно, 27 часа в сутки 7 дней в неделю, получают надлежащий уход», — рассказывает Деби.>
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