A fish caught a bird off the Seychelles Islands (7 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 October 2017

As a rule, fish become prey for birds. But the giant trevally from the new BBC series Blue Planet 2 proved that the opposite can also happen. A huge fish in a graceful flip jump catches winged predators and swallows them in one sitting. And this must be seen.

Meet the giant trevally, also known as the giant trevally. The largest fish of this species reach 170 centimeters in length and weigh up to 80 kilograms. They are so impressive that the BBC dedicated an episode of their documentary series Blue Planet 2 to them.

The fact is that trevally is an unusual fish. Usually fish themselves become prey for birds. But not in this case: the trevally is capable of hunting winged predators on its own. And even in an epic flip jump.

It is not surprising that the producers chose trevally for the promotional video of the series. His bird hunting looks really impressive, even on the scale of the ocean, in which everything can be found.

Series producer James Honeyborne admits that these fish captivated the film crew.

"It's one thing to see a fish jumping in the air, which is quite unusual. But it's a completely different thing to see it jumping and catching a fish. It's just a FISH EATING A BIRDS WHAT? YES! And we shot it in slowmo."

As a rule, giant trevally hunt alone, but sometimes they gather in huge schools of thousands swimming near the coasts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These creatures can even eat a small turtle or dolphin.

Fishermen consider it a feat to catch such prey, because trevally, even when caught in a net, fight to the last.

The Blue Planet 2 team decided to follow them because there had never been a single photo or video of them eating birds before. And most considered it a fishing legend.

"We agreed to try and film them only after a very long conversation with the fishermen. When we arrived at the site, we were delighted. They actually jumped out of the water and caught birds."

However, the team had problems filming: the fish were hunting too quickly. And only after a week of effort they were finally able to properly film the trevally hunting. And it was worth all the effort.

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