The authors of the reality show gave a homeless woman a wad of money to see what she would do with it (7 photos + 1 video)

16 October 2017

The recipe for media success, according to the organizers of one of the yotube channels, is simple. We take an ordinary person and put him in an unusual situation, and then see how he gets out.

The presenter approached a poorly dressed woman on the street and started a conversation. He found out that she really doesn’t have a place to live or a job, but she does have a small son. Then he took out a substantial wad of dollars and handed them to the woman, and she pretended to resist, but did not refuse the gift. In fact, the amount was not very large, $283, but the stack of money looked impressive. The game has begun!

First, the woman went into a large store, but a hidden camera revealed that she never bought anything, although she tried on different things. Therefore, I ate a small ice cream in a street cafe - also not the expense that the pranksters were counting on. Probably put it under the pillow or pay off bills, the experiment is on the verge of a bummer. But then the woman confidently went to the very end of the street, where there are no shopping establishments at all.

She walked into the animal shelter and 45 minutes later came out with a white puppy in her arms. What a turn! At this point the presenter could no longer restrain himself, approached her and asked directly: “Hey, we were watching you, but we didn’t understand anything. Did you spend money on a puppy?” That’s right - she couldn’t clearly explain what motivated her. Clothes, jewelry, food, all this was material, but somehow secondary, it did not please the soul.

And the dog... well, what's done is done, right? The touched authors of the program gave her some more money to buy food for the dog - they clearly did not expect such a finale for their program.

16 October 2017
нет жилья но есть ребёнок! и где же он?сомневаюсь что она бездомная!
19 October 2017
В том-то и дело, что логично, что баба с ребёнком, бездомная, и, представим, что тот даже не с отцом, как предположил Пол. Таки купила именно пёсика, т.е. доп нагрузку по вниманию и деньгам. Гуманитарий, импульсист... Она уже с ребёнком. Нагрузка в виде щенка - небольшая ;)
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