Payback for curiosity. A selection of 30 cats stung by bees and wasps (31 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
28 September 2017

Because of their curiosity, cats often find themselves in unpleasant situations. They love to follow insects and are not always limited to just observation. Often games with wasps and bees end in very painful consequences for fluffies. Just look at these poor guys!

1. Tried to chew on some bees

2. The paw is swollen from the bite

3. Lower lip after playing with a spider

3. I didn’t immediately notice the bee on the lawn.

4. Slightly skewed

5. Giant Paw

6. After the fight

7. The paw is damaged

8. But the chin appeared

9. Another Loser

10. Now your appearance will repel wasps

11. Even looks like Jay Leno

12. Lion's paw

13. Like a clown

15. Pelicans will be jealous

16. Another double of comedian Jay Leno

17. Pretends nothing happened

18. The look speaks for itself

19. Swallowed a bee

20. Just touched with my paw

21. Another poor guy

22. Brothers in misfortune

23. Taste it

24. Cheek hurts

25. This paw seems to weigh a ton

26. Small mutation

27. Life is pain

28. Curious nose

29. Another injured paw

30. We have to admit that it’s better not to deal with wasps and bees.

1 comment
3 October 2017
На вид смешно но уверен что половина из них не выжили
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