A BBC documentary showed monkeys being given a mechanical doll

14 September 2017

The BBC series Spy in the Wild is a hugely popular experiment. The aim of such experiments is to study species in their natural environment.

First, a doll is created in the shape of the animal they are going to study. A camera is installed inside the doll, and hidden cameras are also installed around the place where the doll is left…

At first, one monkey tried to wake the doll up so that it would play with it. But it only dropped the “baby”. Another one immediately ran up to it, as if trying to revive it. But when she noticed that the “baby” was not moving, the whole troop changed before our eyes…

It was immediately clear that all the langurs were very upset. Their behavior was very reminiscent of grieving people. They gathered around the doll and took turns lightly touching it, as if they wanted to say goodbye.

The older monkeys began to hug the younger ones, trying to comfort them. It's very sad to watch, but we still suggest you take a look for yourself...

As you can see, it's not only humans who mourn the dead. The mechanical doll found itself in the epicenter of a ritual that these monkeys repeat every time someone from their troop dies...

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